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Sensitivity of South American tropical forests to an extreme climate anomaly 期刊论文
Nature Climate Change, 2023
作者:  Bennett, Amy C.;  Rodrigues de Sousa, Thaiane;  Monteagudo-Mendoza, Abel;  Esquivel-Muelbert, Adriane;  Morandi, Paulo S.;  Coelho de Souza, Fernanda;  Castro, Wendeson;  Duque, Luisa Fernanda;  Flores Llampazo, Gerardo;  Manoel dos Santos, Rubens;  Ramos, Eliana;  Vilanova Torre, Emilio;  Alvarez-Davila, Esteban;  Baker, Timothy R.;  Costa, Flavia R. C.;  Lewis, Simon L.;  Marimon, Beatriz S.;  Schietti, Juliana;  Burban, Benoit;  Berenguer, Erika;  Araujo-Murakami, Alejandro;  Restrepo Correa, Zorayda;  Lopez, Wilmar;  Delgado Santana, Flavia;  Viscarra, Laura Jessica;  Elias, Fernando;  Vasquez Martinez, Rodolfo;  Marimon-Junior, Ben Hur;  Galbraith, David;  Sullivan, Martin J. P.;  Emilio, Thaise;  Prestes, Nayane C. C. S.;  Barlow, Jos;  Alencar Fagundes, Nathalle Cristine;  Almeida de Oliveira, Edmar;  Alvarez Loayza, Patricia;  Alves, Luciana F.;  Aparecida Vieira, Simone;  Andrade Maia, Vinicius;  Aragao, Luiz E. O. C.;  Arets, Eric J. M. M.;  Arroyo, Luzmila;  Banki, Olaf;  Baraloto, Christopher;  Barbosa Camargo, Plinio;  Barroso, Jorcely;  Bento da Silva, Wilder;  Bonal, Damien;  Borges Miranda Santos, Alisson;  Brienen, Roel J. W.;  Brown, Foster;  Castilho, Carolina V.;  Cerruto Ribeiro, Sabina;  Chama Moscoso, Victor;  Chavez, Ezequiel;  Comiskey, James A.;  Cornejo Valverde, Fernando;  Davila Cardozo, Nallarett;  de Aguiar-Campos, Natalia;  de Oliveira Melo, Lia;  del Aguila Pasquel, Jhon;  Derroire, Geraldine;  Disney, Mathias;  do Socorro, Maria;  Dourdain, Aurelie;  Feldpausch, Ted R.;  Ferreira, Joice;  Forni Martins, Valeria;  Gardner, Toby;  Gloor, Emanuel;  Gutierrez Sibauty, Gloria;  Guillen, Rene;  Hase, Eduardo;  Herault, Bruno;  Honorio Coronado, Euridice N.;  Huaraca Huasco, Walter;  Janovec, John P.;  Jimenez-Rojas, Eliana;  Joly, Carlos;  Kalamandeen, Michelle;  Killeen, Timothy J.;  Lais Farrapo, Camila;  Levesley, Aurora;  Lizon Romano, Leon;  Lopez Gonzalez, Gabriela;  Maes dos Santos, Flavio Antonio;  Magnusson, William E.;  Malhi, Yadvinder;  Matias de Almeida Reis, Simone;  Melgaco, Karina;  Melo Cruz, Omar A.;  Mendoza Polo, Irina;  Montanez, Tatiana;  Morel, Jean Daniel;  Nunez Vargas, M. Percy;  Oliveira de Araujo, Raimunda;  Pallqui Camacho, Nadir C.;  Parada Gutierrez, Alexander;  Pennington, Toby;  Pickavance, Georgia C.;  Pipoly, John;  Pitman, Nigel C. A.;  Quesada, Carlos;  Ramirez Arevalo, Freddy;  Ramirez-Angulo, Hirma;  Flora Ramos, Rafael;  Richardson, James E.;  Rodrigo de Souza, Cleber;  Roopsind, Anand;  Schwartz, Gustavo;  Silva, Richarlly C.;  Silva Espejo, Javier;  Silveira, Marcos;  Singh, James;  Soto Shareva, Yhan;  Steininger, Marc;  Stropp, Juliana;  Talbot, Joey;  ter Steege, Hans;  Terborgh, John;  Thomas, Raquel;  Valenzuela Gamarra, Luis;  van der Heijden, Geertje;  van der Hout, Peter;  Zagt, Roderick;  Phillips, Oliver L.
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Porites Calcifying Fluid pH on Seasonal to Diurnal Scales 期刊论文
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 2021, 卷号: 126, 期号: 3
作者:  Knebel O.;  Carvajal C.;  Standish C.D.;  Vega E.D.L.;  Chalk T.B.;  Ryan E.J.;  Guo W.;  Ford M.;  Foster G.L.;  Kench P.
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Demonstration of the role of cell wall homeostasis in Staphylococcus aureus growth and the action of bactericidal antibiotics 期刊论文
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2021, 卷号: 118, 期号: 44
作者:  Salamaga B.;  Kong L.;  Pasquina-Lemonche L.;  Lafage L.;  Von Und Zur Muhlen M.;  Gibson J.F.;  Grybchuk D.;  Tooke A.K.;  Panchal V.;  Culp E.J.;  Tatham E.;  O'Kane M.E.;  Catley T.E.;  Renshaw S.A.;  Wright G.D.;  Plevka P.;  Bullough P.A.;  Han A.;  Hobbs J.K.;  Foster S.J.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:38/0  |  提交时间:2021/11/25
Physical bioenergetics: Energy fluxes, budgets, and constraints in cells 期刊论文
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2021, 卷号: 118, 期号: 26
作者:  Yang X.;  Heinemann M.;  Howard J.;  Huber G.;  Iyer-Biswas S.;  Le Treut G.;  Lynch M.;  Montooth K.L.;  Needleman D.J.;  Pigolotti S.;  Rodenfels J.;  Ronceray P.;  Shankar S.;  Tavassoly I.;  Thutupalli S.;  Titov D.V.;  Wang J.;  Foster P.J.
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A year of genomic surveillance reveals how the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic unfolded in Africa 期刊论文
Science, 2021, 卷号: 374, 期号: 6566
作者:  Wilkinson E.;  Giovanetti M.;  Tegally H.;  San J.E.;  Lessells R.;  Cuadros D.;  Martin D.P.;  Rasmussen D.A.;  Zekri A.-R.N.;  Sangare A.K.;  Ouedraogo A.-S.;  Sesay A.K.;  Priscilla A.;  Kemi A.-S.;  Olubusuyi A.M.;  Oluwapelumi A.O.O.;  Hammami A.;  Amuri A.A.;  Sayed A.;  Ouma A.E.O.;  Elargoubi A.;  Ajayi N.A.;  Victoria A.F.;  Kazeem A.;  George A.;  Trotter A.J.;  Yahaya A.A.;  Keita A.K.;  Diallo A.;  Kone A.;  Souissi A.;  Chtourou A.;  Gutierrez A.V.;  Page A.J.;  Vinze A.;  Iranzadeh A.;  Lambisia A.;  Ismail A.;  Rosemary A.;  Sylverken A.;  Femi A.;  Ibrahimi A.;  Marycelin B.;  Oderinde B.S.;  Bolajoko B.;  Dhaala B.;  Herring B.L.;  Njanpop-Lafourcade B.-M.;  Kleinhans B.;  McInnis B.;  Tegomoh B.;  Brook C.;  Pratt C.B.;  Scheepers C.;  Akoua-Koffi C.G.;  Agoti C.N.;  Peyrefitte C.;  Daubenberger C.;  Morang’a C.M.;  James Nokes D.;  Amoako D.G.;  Bugembe D.L.;  Park D.;  Baker D.;  Doolabh D.;  Ssemwanga D.;  Tshiabuila D.;  Bassirou D.;  Amuzu D.S.Y.;  Goedhals D.;  Omuoyo D.O.;  Maruapula D.;  Foster-Nyarko E.;  Lusamaki E.K.;  Simulundu E.;  Ong’era E.M.;  Ngabana E.N.;  Shumba E.;  El Fahime E.;  Lokilo E.;  Mukantwari E.;  Philomena E.;  Belarbi E.;  Simon-Loriere E.;  Anoh E.A.;  Leendertz F.;  Ajili F.;  Enoch F.O.;  Wasfi F.;  Abdelmoula F.;  Mosha F.S.;  Takawira F.T.;  Derrar F.;  Bouzid F.;  Onikepe F.;  Adeola F.;  Muyembe F.M.;  Tanser F.;  Dratibi F.A.;  Mbunsu G.K.;  Thilliez G.;  Kay G.L.;  Githinji G.;  van Zyl G.;  Awandare G.A.;  Schubert G.;  Maphalala G.P.;  Ranaivoson H.C.;  Lemriss H.;  Anise H.;  Abe H.;  Karray H.H.;  Nansumba H.;  Elgahzaly H.A.;  Gumbo H.;  Smeti I.;  Ayed I.B.;  Odia I.;  Boubaker I.B.B.;  Gaaloul I.;  Gazy I.;  Mudau I.;  Ssewanyana I.;  Konstantinus I.;  Lekana-Douk J.B.;  Makangara J.-C.C.;  Tamfum J.-J.M.;  Heraud J.-M.;  Shaffer J.G.;  Giandhari J.;  Li J.;  Yasuda J.;  Mends J.Q.;  Kiconco J.;  Morobe J.M.;  Gyapong J.O.;  Okolie J.C.;  Kayiwa J.T.;  Edwards J.A.;  Gyamfi J.;  Farah J.;  Nakaseegu J.;  Ngoi J.M.;  Namulondo J.;  Andeko J.C.;  Lutwama J.J.;  O’Grady J.;  Siddle K.;  Adeyemi K.T.;  Tumedi K.A.;  Said K.M.;  Hae-Young K.;  Duedu K.O.;  Belyamani L.;  Fki-Berrajah L.;  Singh L.;  Martins L.D.O.;  Tyers L.;  Ramuth M.;  Mastouri M.;  Aouni M.;  el Hefnawi M.;  Matsheka M.I.;  Kebabonye M.;  Diop M.;  Turki M.;  Paye M.;  Nyaga M.M.;  Mareka M.;  Damaris M.-M.;  Mburu M.W.;  Mpina M.;  Nwando M.;  Owusu M.;  Wiley M.R.;  Youtchou M.T.;  Ayekaba M.O.;  Abouelhoda M.;  Seadawy M.G.;  Khalifa M.K.;  Sekhele M.;  Ouadghiri M.;  Diagne M.M.;  Mwenda M.;  Allam M.;  Phan M.V.T.;  Abid N.;  Touil N.;  Rujeni N.;  Kharrat N.;  Ismael N.;  Dia N.;  Mabunda N.;  Hsiao N.-Y.;  Silochi N.B.;  Nsenga N.;  Gumede N.;  Mulder N.;  Ndodo N.;  Razanajatovo N.H.;  Iguosadolo N.;  Judith O.;  Kingsley O.C.;  Sylvanus O.;  Peter O.;  Femi O.;  Idowu O.;  Testimony O.;  Chukwuma O.E.;  Ogah O.E.;  Onwuamah C.K.;  Cyril O.;  Faye O.;  Tomori O.;  Ondoa P.;  Combe P.;  Semanda P.;  Oluniyi P.E.;  Arnaldo P.;  Quashie P.K.;  Dussart P.;  Bester P.A.;  Mbala P.K.;  Ayivor-Djanie R.;  Njouom R.;  Phillips R.O.;  Gorman R.;  Kingsley R.A.;  Carr R.A.A.;  El Kabbaj S.;  Gargouri S.;  Masmoudi S.;  Sankhe S.;  Lawal S.B.;  Kassim S.;  Trabelsi S.;  Metha S.;  Kammoun S.;  Lemriss S.;  Agwa S.H.A.;  Calvignac-Spencer S.;  Schaffner S.F.;  Doumbia S.;  Mandanda S.M.;  Aryeetey S.;  Ahmed S.S.;  Elhamoumi S.;  Andriamandimby S.;  Tope S.;  Lekana-Douki S.;  Prosolek S.;  Ouangraoua S.;  Mundeke S.A.;  Rudder S.;  Panji S.;  Pillay S.;  Engelbrecht S.;  Nabadda S.;  Behillil S.;  Budiaki S.L.;  van der Werf S.;  Mashe T.;  Aanniz T.;  Mohale T.;  Le-Viet T.;  Schindler T.;  Anyaneji U.J.;  Chinedu U.;  Ramphal U.;  Jessica U.;  George U.;  Fonseca V.;  Enouf V.;  Gorova V.;  Roshdy W.H.;  Ampofo W.K.;  Preiser W.;  Choga W.T.;  Bediako Y.;  Naidoo Y.;  Butera Y.;  de Laurent Z.R.;  Sall A.A.;  Rebai A.;  von Gottberg A.;  Kouriba B.;  Williamson C.;  Bridges D.J.;  Chikwe I.;  Bhiman J.N.;  Mine M.;  Cotten M.;  Moyo S.;  Gaseitsiwe S.;  Saasa N.;  Sabeti P.C.;  Kaleebu P.;  Tebeje Y.K.;  Tessema S.K.;  Happi C.;  Nkengasong J.;  de Oliveira T.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:59/0  |  提交时间:2022/01/14
The interspecific growth–mortality trade-off is not a general framework for tropical forest community structure 期刊论文
Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2021, 卷号: 5, 期号: 2
作者:  Russo S.E.;  McMahon S.M.;  Detto M.;  Ledder G.;  Wright S.J.;  Condit R.S.;  Davies S.J.;  Ashton P.S.;  Bunyavejchewin S.;  Chang-Yang C.-H.;  Ediriweera S.;  Ewango C.E.N.;  Fletcher C.;  Foster R.B.;  Gunatilleke C.V.S.;  Gunatilleke I.A.U.N.;  Hart T.;  Hsieh C.-F.;  Hubbell S.P.;  Itoh A.;  Kassim A.R.;  Leong Y.T.;  Lin Y.C.;  Makana J.-R.;  Mohamad M.B.;  Ong P.;  Sugiyama A.;  Sun I.-F.;  Tan S.;  Thompson J.;  Yamakura T.;  Yap S.L.;  Zimmerman J.K.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:31/0  |  提交时间:2022/06/13
DeepMIP: Model intercomparison of early Eocene climatic optimum (EECO) large-scale climate features and comparison with proxy data 期刊论文
Climate of the Past, 2021, 卷号: 17, 期号: 1
作者:  Lunt D.J.;  Bragg F.;  Chan W.-L.;  Hutchinson D.K.;  Ladant J.-B.;  Morozova P.;  Niezgodzki I.;  Steinig S.;  Zhang Z.;  Zhu J.;  Abe-Ouchi A.;  Anagnostou E.;  De Boer A.M.;  Coxall H.K.;  Donnadieu Y.;  Foster G.;  Inglis G.N.;  Knorr G.;  Langebroek P.M.;  Lear C.H.;  Lohmann G.;  Poulsen C.J.;  Sepulchre P.;  Tierney J.E.;  Valdes P.J.;  Volodin E.M.;  Dunkley Jones T.;  Hollis C.J.;  Huber M.;  Otto-Bliesner B.L.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:38/0  |  提交时间:2021/06/28
Post-depositional REE mobility in a Paleoarchean banded iron formation revealed by La-Ce geochronology: A cautionary tale for signals of ancient oxygenation 期刊论文
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2020, 卷号: 547
作者:  Bonnand P.;  Lalonde S.V.;  Boyet M.;  Heubeck C.;  Homann M.;  Nonnotte P.;  Foster I.;  Konhauser K.O.;  Köhler I.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:23/0  |  提交时间:2021/09/01
Ce anomalies  La-Ce geochronology  rare earth element mobility  trace element signatures  
An Assessment of Earth's Climate Sensitivity Using Multiple Lines of Evidence 期刊论文
Reviews of Geophysics, 2020, 卷号: 58, 期号: 4
作者:  Sherwood S.C.;  Webb M.J.;  Annan J.D.;  Armour K.C.;  Forster P.M.;  Hargreaves J.C.;  Hegerl G.;  Klein S.A.;  Marvel K.D.;  Rohling E.J.;  Watanabe M.;  Andrews T.;  Braconnot P.;  Bretherton C.S.;  Foster G.L.;  Hausfather Z.;  von der Heydt A.S.;  Knutti R.;  Mauritsen T.;  Norris J.R.;  Proistosescu C.;  Rugenstein M.;  Schmidt G.A.;  Tokarska K.B.;  Zelinka M.D.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:28/0  |  提交时间:2021/07/19
Integrated assessment of storm surge barrier systems under present and future climates and comparison to alternatives: a case study of Boston; USA 期刊论文
Climatic Change, 2020, 卷号: 162, 期号: 2
作者:  Kirshen P.;  Borrelli M.;  Byrnes J.;  Chen R.;  Lockwood L.;  Watson C.;  Starbuck K.;  Wiggin J.;  Novelly A.;  Uiterwyk K.;  Thurson K.;  McMann B.;  Foster C.;  Sprague H.;  Roberts H.J.;  Bosma K.;  Jin D.;  Herst R.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:41/0  |  提交时间:2020/11/23