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Safe and just Earth system boundaries 期刊论文
NATURE, 2023, 卷号: 619, 期号: 7968
Creator:  Rockstroem, Johan;  Gupta, Joyeeta;  Qin, Dahe;  Lade, Steven J.;  Abrams, Jesse F.;  Andersen, Lauren S.;  Armstrong McKay, David I.;  Bai, Xuemei;  Bala, Govindasamy;  Bunn, Stuart E.;  Ciobanu, Daniel;  DeClerck, Fabrice;  Ebi, Kristie;  Gifford, Lauren;  Gordon, Christopher;  Hasan, Syezlin;  Kanie, Norichika;  Lenton, Timothy M.;  Loriani, Sina;  Liverman, Diana M.;  Mohamed, Awaz;  Nakicenovic, Nebojsa;  Obura, David;  Ospina, Daniel;  Prodani, Klaudia;  Rammelt, Crelis;  Sakschewski, Boris;  Scholtens, Joeri;  Stewart-Koster, Ben;  Tharammal, Thejna;  van Vuuren, Detlef;  Verburg, Peter H.;  Winkelmann, Ricarda;  Zimm, Caroline;  Bennett, Elena M.;  Bringezu, Stefan;  Broadgate, Wendy;  Green, Pamela A.;  Huang, Lei;  Jacobson, Lisa;  Ndehedehe, Christopher;  Pedde, Simona;  Rocha, Juan;  Scheffer, Marten;  Schulte-Uebbing, Lena;  de Vries, Wim;  Xiao, Cunde;  Xu, Chi;  Xu, Xinwu;  Zafra-Calvo, Noelia;  Zhang, Xin
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A review of the major drivers of the terrestrial carbon uptake: model-based assessments, consensus, and uncertainties 期刊论文
Creator:  Tharammal, Thejna;  Bala, Govindasamy;  Devaraju, Narayanappa;  Nemani, Ramakrishna
Favorite  |  View/Download:23/0  |  Submit date:2019/10/08
land carbon sink  climate change  CO2 fertilization effect  drivers of land carbon uptake  
Potential roles of CO2 fertilization, nitrogen deposition, climate change, and land use and land cover change on the global terrestrial carbon uptake in the twenty-first century 期刊论文
CLIMATE DYNAMICS, 2019, 卷号: 52, 期号: 7-8, 页码: 4393-4406
Creator:  Tharammal, Thejna;  Bala, Govindasamy;  Narayanappa, Devaraju;  Nemani, Ramakrishna
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Modeling the sensitivity of precipitation oxygen isotopes to the Last Glacial Maximum boundary conditions: A study using Community Atmosphere Model (CAM3.0) 数据集
类型: dataset, 2013-07-29,
Creator:  Tharammal;  Thejna;  Paul;  André;  Merkel;  Ute;  Noone;  D
Favorite  |  View/Download:37/0  |  Submit date:2021/10/19