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Silvicultural options for rehabilitating high-graded mixedwood stands in northeastern North America 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 466
作者:  Raymond P.;  Prévost M.;  Roy V.
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Conservation  Hardwoods  Quality control  Recovery  Active restoration  Degraded forests  Forest rehabilitation  Mixedwood  Red spruce  Regeneration methods  Reforestation  clearcutting  coniferous forest  coniferous tree  degradation  density  environmental restoration  experimental study  forestry practice  regeneration  selective logging  silviculture  stand structure  understory  wood quality  Conservation  Hardwoods  Picea Rubens  Quality Control  Recovery  Reforestation  Canada  Quebec [Canada]  Abies balsamea  Betula alleghaniensis  Coniferophyta  Picea glauca  Picea rubens  
Density and growth of forest stands revisited. Effect of the temporal scale of observation, site quality, and thinning 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 460
作者:  Pretzsch H.
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Plants (botany)  Allometrics  Diameter growth  Growth loss  Long-term experiments  Norway spruce  Short term  Thinning response  Forestry  crop plant  crop yield  forest ecosystem  growth  management practice  observational method  population ecology  silviculture  site selection  stand structure  tree  Diameter  Experimentation  Forestry  Growth  Picea Abies  Stand Density  Thinning  Yield  Germany  Picea abies  
What is good for birds is not always good for lichens: Interactions between forest structure and species richness in managed boreal forests 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 473
作者:  Klein J.;  Thor G.;  Low M.;  Sjögren J.;  Lindberg E.;  Eggers S.
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Biodiversity  Birds  Fungi  Housing  Remote sensing  Timber  Vegetation  Epiphytic lichens  Forestry planning  Natural disturbance  Remote sensing tools  Species richness  Structural elements  Vegetation density  Vertical distributions  Forestry  avifauna  biodiversity  deforestation  epiphyte  forest management  lichen  lidar  remote sensing  species richness  stand structure  thinning  vertical distribution  Biodiversity  Birds  Forestry  Fungi  Plants  Remote Sensing  Aves  
Herbicide, fertilization, and planting density effects on intensively managed loblolly pine early stand development 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 472
作者:  Ferreira G.W.D.;  Rau B.M.;  Aubrey D.P.
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Biomass  Herbicides  Timber  Weed control  Above ground biomass  Allometric equations  Complex relationships  Early stand development  Fertilizer applications  Silvicultural practices  Silvicultural prescriptions  Silviculture practices  Forestry  biomass  coniferous tree  forest management  forestry practice  plantation forestry  silviculture  stand structure  sustainability  sustainable forestry  Biomass  Development  Fertilization  Forestry  Herbicides  Planting  Stand Density  Weed Control  United States  Pinus taeda  
Dynamic Structural Stand Density Management Diagrams for even-aged natural stands and plantations 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 458
作者:  Stankova T.V.;  Diéguez-Aranda U.
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Mean square error  State space methods  Downy birch  English oak  Generalized Competition-Density theory  Pine plantations  Stand levels  Thinning alternatives  Forestry  age structure  deciduous tree  diagram  plantation forestry  regression analysis  stand structure  thinning  Biomass  Diagrams  Forestry  Management  Models  Plantations  Quercus Robur  Stand Density  Betula pubescens  Pinus radiata  Quercus robur  
Tree species mixture effects on stem growth vary with stand density – An analysis based on individual tree responses 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 473
作者:  Brunner A.;  Forrester D.I.
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Composition effects  Mixtures  Structure (composition)  Trees (mathematics)  Basal area growth  Competition index  Individual tree growth models  Mixed-species stands  Permanent sample plots  Single-tree selection cutting  Spatially explicit  Species composition  Forestry  coniferous tree  deciduous tree  individual-based model  mixed forest  stand structure  stem  tree  yield  Cutting  Fagus Sylvatica  Forestry  Growth  Mixtures  Models  Stand Density  Tree Dimensions  Switzerland  Abies  Fagus  Fagus sylvatica  Picea abies  
Variation in population densities of the green spruce aphid Elatobium abietinum (Walker) in relation to tree age and forest stand structure 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 464
作者:  Straw N.A.;  Bladon F.M.;  Williams D.T.;  Fielding N.J.
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Climate change  Population dynamics  Population statistics  Timber  Continuous cover forestries  Elatobium abietinum  Insect abundance  Management systems  Picea sitchensis  Plantation forestry  Sitka spruce  Stand structures  Reforestation  abundance  aphid  clearcutting  forest cover  group selection  plantation forestry  population density  stand structure  thinning  tree  Age  Felling  Picea Sitchensis  Reforestation  Selection  Shelterwood  Trees  United Kingdom  Aphididae  Hemiptera  Hexapoda  Picea  Picea sitchensis  
Influence of forest management on stand structure in ravine forests 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 463
作者:  Baran J.;  Pielech R.;  Kauzal P.;  Kukla W.;  Bodziarczyk J.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:25/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/28
Random forests  Carpathians  Forest protection  Forest structure  Maple forests  Ravine forest  Tilio-Acerion  Forestry  biomass  cutting (process)  diameter  environmental indicator  environmental protection  forest management  naturalness  spatial distribution  stand structure  Analysis  Density  Diameter  Forest Management  Forestry  Forests  Stems  Trees  Carpathians  Krakow-Czestochowa Upland  Poland [Central Europe]  Acer pseudoplatanus  
Impacts of mountain pine beetle outbreaks on lodgepole pine forests in the Intermountain West, U.S., 2004–2019 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 475
作者:  Audley J.P.;  Fettig C.J.;  Steven Munson A.;  Runyon J.B.;  Mortenson L.A.;  Steed B.E.;  Gibson K.E.;  Jørgensen C.L.;  McKelvey S.R.;  McMillin J.D.;  Negrón J.F.
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Ecology  Contributing factor  Dendroctonus ponderosae  Dendroctonus rufipennis  Lodgepole pine forests  Mountain pine beetle  North American porcupine  Quadratic mean diameter  Stand density index  Forestry  Abies lasiocarpa  Arceuthobium americanum  Coleoptera  Curculionidae  Dendroctonus murrayanae  Dendroctonus ponderosae  Dendroctonus rufipennis  Dryocoetes confusus  Erethizon dorsatum  Hexapoda  Ips pini  Odocoileus hemionus  Pinus contorta  Pinus mugo  Pityogenes knechteli  Scolytinae  
Potential climatic influence on maximum stand carrying capacity for 15 Mediterranean coniferous and broadleaf species 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 460
作者:  Rodríguez de Prado D.;  San Martín R.;  Bravo F.;  Herrero de Aza C.
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Climate change  Forestry  Akaike information criterion  Climate change projections  Maximum temperature  National forest inventories  Potential reduction  Reineke  Self-thinning  Stand density index  Climate models  Akaike information criterion  broad-leaved forest  carrying capacity  climate change  climate effect  coniferous forest  database  extreme event  forest dynamics  forest inventory  forest management  guideline  index method  Mediterranean environment  regression analysis  self thinning  silviculture  stand dynamics  stand structure  Capacity  Forestry  Impact  Mediterranean  Models  Stand Density  Trees  Variables  Fagus  Quercus