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Equity and resilience in local urban food systems: a case study 期刊论文
作者:  Stone, Tiffanie F.;  Huckins, Erin L.;  Hornbuckle, Eliana C.;  Thompson, Janette R.;  Dentzman, Katherine
收藏  |  浏览/下载:4/0  |  提交时间:2024/06/11
High-latitude ocean habitats are a crucible of fish body shape diversification 期刊论文
作者:  Burns, Michael D.;  Friedman, Sarah T.;  Corn, Katherine A.;  Larouche, Olivier;  Price, Samantha A.;  Wainwright, Peter C.;  Burress, Edward D.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:2/0  |  提交时间:2024/06/11
Tropical field stations yield high conservation return on investment 期刊论文
CONSERVATION LETTERS, 2024, 卷号: 17, 期号: 2
作者:  Eppley, Timothy M.;  Reuter, Kim E.;  Sefczek, Timothy M.;  Tinsman, Jen;  Santini, Luca;  Hoeks, Selwyn;  Andriantsaralaza, Seheno;  Shanee, Sam;  Di Fiore, Anthony;  Setchell, Joanna M.;  Strier, Karen B.;  Abanyam, Peter A.;  Abd Mutalib, Aini Hasanah;  Abwe, Ekwoge;  Ahmed, Tanvir;  Ancrenaz, Marc;  Andriantsimanarilafy, Raphali R.;  Ang, Andie;  Aureli, Filippo;  Barrett, Louise;  Beehner, Jacinta C.;  Benitez, Marcela E.;  Bezerra, Bruna M.;  Bicca-Marques, Julio Cesar;  Bikaba, Dominique;  Bitariho, Robert;  Boesch, Christophe;  Bolt, LauraM.;  Boonratana, Ramesh;  Butynski, Thomas M.;  Canale, Gustavo R.;  Carvalho, Susana;  Chapman, Colin A.;  Chetry, Dilip;  Cheyne, SusanM.;  Cords, Marina;  Cornejo, Fanny M.;  Cortes-Ortiz, Liliana;  Coudrat, Camille N. Z.;  Crofoot, Margaret C.;  Cronin, Drew T.;  Dadjo, Alvine;  Dakpogan, S. Chrystelle;  Danquah, Emmanuel;  Davenport, Tim R. B.;  de Jong, Yvonne A.;  de la Torre, Stella;  Dempsey, Andrea;  Dimalibot, Judeline C.;  Dolch, Rainer;  Donati, Giuseppe;  Estrada, Alejandro;  Farassi, Rassina A.;  Fashing, Peter J.;  Fernandez-Duque, Eduardo;  Ferreira da Silva, Maria J.;  Fischer, Julia;  Flores-Negron, Cesar F.;  Fruth, Barbara;  Neba, Terence Fuh;  Gamalo, Lief Erikson;  Ganzhorn, Joerg U.;  Garber, Paul A.;  Gnanaolivu, Smitha D.;  Gonder, Mary Katherine;  Bi, Sery Ernest Gonedele;  Goossens, Benoit;  Gordo, Marcelo;  Guayasamin, Juan M.;  Guzman-Caro, Diana C.;  Halloran, Andrew R.;  Hartel, Jessica A.;  Heymann, Eckhard W.;  Hill, Russell A.;  Hockings, Kimberley J.;  Hohmann, Gottfried;  Hon, Naven;  Houngbedji, Mariano G.;  Huffman, Michael A.;  Ikemeh, Rachel A.;  Imong, Inaoyom;  Irwin, Mitchell T.;  Izar, Patricia;  Jerusalinsky, Leandro;  Kalema-Zikusoka, Gladys;  Kaplin, Beth A.;  Kappeler, Peter M.;  Kivai, Stanislaus M.;  Knott, Cheryl D.;  Kolasartsanee, Intanon;  Koops, Kathelijne;  Kowalewski, Martin M.;  Kujirakwinja, Deo;  Kumar, Ajith;  Le, Quyet K.;  Lewis, Rebecca J.;  Lin, Aung Ko;  Link, Andres;  Loria, Luz I.;  Lormie, Menladi M.;  Louis, Edward E., Jr.;  Lwin, Ngwe;  Maisels, Fiona;  Malaivijitnond, Suchinda;  Marisa, Lesley;  McCabe, Grainne M.;  McGraw, W. Scott;  Mekonnen, Addisu;  Mendez-Carvajal, Pedro G.;  Minhos, Tania;  Montgomery, David M.;  Morelos-Juarez, Citlalli;  Morgan, Bethan J.;  Morgan, David;  Etingue, Amancio Motove;  Ndiaye, Papa Ibnou;  Nekaris, K. Anne-Isola;  Nga Nguyen;  Nijman, Vincent;  Nishuli, Radar;  Norconk, Marilyn A.;  Oklander, Luciana I.;  Oktaviani, Rahayu;  Ostner, Julia;  Otali, Emily;  Perry, Susan E.;  Pinel Ramos, Eduardo J.;  Porter, Leila M.;  Pruetz, Jill D.;  Pusey, Anne E.;  Queiroz, Helder L.;  Ramirez, Monica A.;  Randriatahina, Guy Hermas;  Rasoanaivo, Hoby;  Ratsimbazafy, Jonah;  Ratsirarson, Joelisoa;  Razafindramanana, Josia;  Razafindratsima, Onja H.;  Reynolds, Vernon;  Rizaldi, Rizaldi;  Robbins, Martha M.;  Rodriguez, Melissa E.;  Rosales-Meda, Marleny;  Sanz, CricketteM.;  Sarkar, Dipto;  Savage, Anne;  Schreier, Amy L.;  Schuelke, Oliver;  Segniagbeto, Gabriel H.;  Carlos Serio-Silva, Juan;  Setiawan, Arif;  Seyjagat, John;  Silva, Felipe E.;  Sinclair, ElizabethM.;  Smith, Rebecca L.;  Spaan, Denise;  Stewart, Fiona A.;  Strum, Shirley C.;  Surbeck, Martin;  Svensson, Magdalena S.;  Talebi, Mauricio;  Tedonzong, Luc Roscelin;  Urbani, Bernardo;  Valsecchi, Joao;  Vasey, Natalie;  Vogel, Erin R.;  Wallace, Robert B.;  Wallis, Janette;  Waters, Sian;  Wittig, Roman M.;  Wrangham, Richard W.;  Wright, Patricia C.;  Mittermeier, Russell A.
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Sustainable palm fruit harvesting as a pathway to conserve Amazon peatland forests 期刊论文
NATURE SUSTAINABILITY, 2022, 卷号: 5, 期号: 6, 页码: 9
作者:  Hidalgo Pizango, C. Gabriel;  Honorio Coronado, Euridice N.;  del Aguila-Pasquel, Jhon;  Flores Llampazo, Gerardo;  de Jong, Johan;  Cordova Oroche, Cesar J.;  Reyna Huaymacari, Jose M.;  Carver, Steve J.;  del Castillo Torres, Dennis;  Draper, Frederick C.;  Phillips, Oliver L.;  Roucoux, Katherine H.;  de Bruin, Sytze;  Pena-Claros, Marielos;  van der Zon, Marieke;  Mitchell, Gordon;  Lovett, Jon;  Garcia Mendoza, Gabriel;  Gatica Saboya, Leticia;  Irarica Pacaya, Julio;  Manuel Martin Branas;  Ramirez Paredes, Eliseo;  Baker, Timothy R.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:36/0  |  提交时间:2023/04/13
Reconciling the total carbon budget for boreal forest wildfire emissions using airborne observations 期刊论文
ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 2022, 卷号: 22, 期号: 18, 页码: 31
作者:  Hayden, Katherine L.;  Li, Shao-Meng;  Liggio, John;  Wheeler, Michael J.;  Wentzell, Jeremy J. B.;  Leithead, Amy;  Brickell, Peter;  Mittermeier, Richard L.;  Oldham, Zachary;  Mihele, Cristian M.;  Staebler, Ralf M.;  Moussa, Samar G.;  Darlington, Andrea;  Wolde, Mengistu;  Thompson, Daniel;  Chen, Jack;  Griffin, Debora;  Eckert, Ellen;  Ditto, Jenna C.;  He, Megan;  Gentner, Drew R.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:40/0  |  提交时间:2023/04/13
Assessing vehicle fuel efficiency using a dense network of CO2 observations 期刊论文
ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 2022, 卷号: 22, 期号: 6, 页码: 10
作者:  Fitzmaurice, Helen L.;  Turner, Alexander J.;  Kim, Jinsol;  Chan, Katherine;  Delaria, Erin R.;  Newman, Catherine;  Wooldridge, Paul;  Cohen, Ronald C.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:29/0  |  提交时间:2023/04/13
Determinants of emissions pathways in the coupled climate-social system 期刊论文
NATURE, 2022, 卷号: 603, 期号: 7899
作者:  Moore, Frances C.;  Lacasse, Katherine;  Mach, Katharine J.;  Shin, Yoon Ah;  Gross, Louis J.;  Beckage, Brian
收藏  |  浏览/下载:19/0  |  提交时间:2024/01/31
Challenges to natural and human communities from surprising ocean temperatures 期刊论文
作者:  Pershing, Andrew J.;  Record, Nicholas R.;  Franklin, Bradley S.;  Kennedy, Brian T.;  McClenachan, Loren;  Mills, Katherine E.;  Scott, James D.;  Thomas, Andrew C.;  Wolff, Nicholas H.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:46/0  |  提交时间:2019/10/08
climate change  climate impacts  adaptation  warming  oceans  
Influence of climate on individual tree growth and carbon sequestration in native-tree plantings 期刊论文
AUSTRAL ECOLOGY, 2019, 卷号: 44, 期号: 5, 页码: 859-870
作者:  Lada, Hania;  Yen, Jian D. L.;  Cunningham, Shaun C.;  Selwood, Katherine E.;  Falcke, Phillip;  Hodgson, Jarrod C.;  Mac Nally, Ralph
收藏  |  浏览/下载:59/0  |  提交时间:2019/10/08
band dendrometers  carbon sequestration  climate change  reforestation  revegetation  
Seeking shelter from the storm: Conservation and management of imperiled species in a changing climate 期刊论文
ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, 2019, 卷号: 9, 期号: 12, 页码: 7122-7133
作者:  Walls, Susan C.;  Barichivich, William J.;  Chandler, Jonathan;  Meade, Ashley M.;  Milinichik, Marysa;  O';  Donnell, Katherine M.;  Owens, Megan E.;  Peacock, Terry;  Reinman, Joseph;  Watling, Rebecca C.;  Wetsch, Olivia E.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:73/0  |  提交时间:2019/10/08
adaptation strategies  Ambystoma cingulatum  climate change  coastal wetlands  frosted flatwoods salamander  Hurricane Michael  imperiled species management  saltwater inundation  specific conductance  storm surge