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Funding African-led climate initiatives 期刊论文
Nature Climate Change, 2023, 卷号: 13, 期号: 6
Creator:  Bedair, Heba;  Anibaba, Quadri Agbolade;  Ghosh, Soumya;  Rady, Hadeer Abdulrahman;  Omar, Esraa;  Remon, Michael;  Emara, Alaa;  Alghariani, Mubaraka S.
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Assessment of Lead-Lag and Spatial Changes in simulating different epochs of the Indian summer monsoon using RegCM4 期刊论文
Atmospheric Research, 2022, 卷号: 265
Creator:  Ghosh S.;  Sinha P.;  Bhatla R.;  Mall R.K.;  Sarkar A.
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Diffusion Creep of Diopside 期刊论文
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 2021, 卷号: 126, 期号: 1
Creator:  Ghosh S.;  Koizumi S.;  Hiraga T.
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Rationalization of automatic weather stations network over a coastal urban catchment: A multivariate approach 期刊论文
Atmospheric Research, 2021, 卷号: 254
Creator:  Ghosh M.;  Singh J.;  Sekharan S.;  Ghosh S.;  Zope P.E.;  Karmakar S.
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Sensitivity of Carbonaceous Aerosol Properties to the Implementation of a Dynamic Aging Parameterization in the Regional Climate Model RegCM 期刊论文
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2021, 卷号: 126, 期号: 17
Creator:  Ghosh S.;  Riemer N.;  Giuliani G.;  Giorgi F.;  Ganguly D.;  Dey S.
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Assessment of the influence of physical and seismotectonic parameters on landslide occurrence: an integrated geoinformatic approach 期刊论文
Natural Hazards, 2021, 卷号: 108, 期号: 3
Creator:  Sivakumar R.;  Ghosh S.
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Geoinformatics  Landslide hazard  Physical and seismotectonic influence  Reactivation  
Association of aerosols, trace gases and black carbon with mortality in an urban pollution hotspot over central Indo-Gangetic Plain 期刊论文
Creator:  Singh N.;  Mhawish A.;  Banerjee T.;  Ghosh S.;  Singh R.S.;  Mall R.K.
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Black carbon  Exposure  Fine particles  Mortality  Time-series  
High rise in carbonaceous aerosols under very low anthropogenic emissions over eastern Himalaya, India: Impact of lockdown for COVID-19 outbreak 期刊论文
Creator:  Chatterjee A.;  Mukherjee S.;  Dutta M.;  Ghosh A.;  Ghosh S.K.;  Roy A.
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Biogenic VOC  Carbonaceous aerosols  Eastern himalaya  Secondary organic carbon  
Impact of acute exposure to ambient PM2.5 on non-trauma all-cause mortality in the megacity Delhi 期刊论文
Creator:  Joshi P.;  Ghosh S.;  Dey S.;  Dixit K.;  Choudhary R.K.;  Salve H.R.;  Balakrishnan K.
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Exposure  Mortality  PM2.5  Spatial disaggregation  Time series analysis  
Social science research to inform solar geoengineering 期刊论文
Science, 2021, 卷号: 374, 期号: 6569
Creator:  Aldy J.E.;  Felgenhauer T.;  Pizer W.A.;  Tavoni M.;  Belaia M.;  Borsuk M.E.;  Ghosh A.;  Heutel G.;  Heyen D.;  Horton J.;  Keith D.;  Merk C.;  Moreno-Cruz J.;  Reynolds J.L.;  Ricke K.;  Rickels W.;  Shayegh S.;  Smith W.;  Tilmes S.;  Wagner G.;  Wiener J.B.
Favorite  |  View/Download:224/0  |  Submit date:2022/01/14