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Study reveals UK offshore emissions through used vehicle exports 科技资讯
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Making fossil fuel companies accountable for their products' emissions would support the clean energy transition 科技资讯
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Making fossil fuel companies accountable for their products' emissions would support the clean energy transition 科技资讯
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Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change 科技报告
, 2022
Creator:  Jim Skea
JPEG(8Kb)  |  Favorite  |  View/Download:222/61  |  Submit date:2022/04/06
Nepal must scrap aging diesel buses and trucks 科技资讯
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Kerbside NOx and CO concentrations and emission factors of vehicles on a busy road 期刊论文
Creator:  Chu M.;  Brimblecombe P.;  Wei P.;  Liu C.-H.;  Du X.;  Sun Y.;  Yam Y.S.;  Ning Z.
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Diesel buses  EURO emission Standards  Exhaust plumes  Hong Kong  Traffic related air pollutants  
The impacts of technological changes and regulatory frameworks on global air pollutant emissions from the energy industry and road transport 期刊论文
ENERGY POLICY, 2022, 卷号: 168, 页码: 14
Creator:  Oreggioni, G. D.;  Mahiques, O.;  Monforti-Ferrario, F.;  Schaaf, E.;  Muntean, M.;  Guizzardi, D.;  Vignati, E.;  Crippa, M.
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Global Offshore Wind Report 2021 科技报告
, 2021
Creator:  [unavailable]
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Global Sector Strategies:Investor Interventions to Accelerate Net Zero Steel 科技报告
, 2021
Creator:  [unavailable]
Adobe PDF(4202Kb)  |  Favorite  |  View/Download:18/0  |  Submit date:2021/11/24
Reporting on the State of the Climate in 2020 科技报告
, 2021
Creator:  [unavailable]
Adobe PDF(154516Kb)  |  Favorite  |  View/Download:93/26  |  Submit date:2021/11/24