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Deer browsing and shrub competition set sapling recruitment height and interact with light to shape recruitment niches for temperate forest tree species 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 467
作者:  Walters M.B.;  Farinosi E.J.;  Willis J.L.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:33/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/28
Population statistics  Advance regenerations  Browsing pressures  Canopy disturbance  Light availability  Management regime  Seedling mortality  Ungulate browsing  White-tailed deer  Reforestation  browsing  competition (ecology)  deer  gap dynamics  growth rate  height  light availability  mortality  population structure  recruitment (population dynamics)  regeneration  sapling  shrub  temperate forest  Competition  Growth  Height  Light  Mortality  Recruitment  Reforestation  Trees  Michigan  United States  Cervidae  Odocoileus virginianus  Ungulata  
Terrestrial laser scanning for non-destructive estimates of liana stem biomass 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 456
作者:  Krishna Moorthy S.M.;  Raumonen P.;  Van den Bulcke J.;  Calders K.;  Verbeeck H.
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Biology  Biomass  Laser applications  Reforestation  Scanning  Seebeck effect  Steel beams and girders  Tropics  Allometric equations  Correlation coefficient  Forest biomass  Long term monitoring  Management strategies  Quantitative structures  Terrestrial laser scanning  Tropical forest  Surveying instruments  aboveground biomass  allometry  biomass  correlation  forest management  laser method  monitoring system  quantitative analysis  sapling  Biology  Biomass  Equations  Estimates  Forests  Reforestation  Scanning  Tropics  French Guiana  Nouragues  
Evaluating the impacts of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) browsing on vegetation in fenced and unfenced timber harvests 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 473
作者:  Parker H.A.;  Larkin J.T.;  Heggenstaller D.;  Duchamp J.;  Tyree M.C.;  Rushing C.S.;  Just Domoto E.;  Larkin J.L.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:40/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/28
Reforestation  Timber  Vegetation  Forest regeneration  Northern red oaks  Operational scale  Potential values  Vegetation density  Vertical structures  White-tailed deer  Woody plant species  Harvesting  deer  fern  forage  overstory  regeneration  sapling  seedling  timber  timber harvesting  woody plant  Coverings  Density  Harvesting  Height  Plants  Recruitment  Reforestation  Pennsylvania  United States  Acer rubrum  Amelanchier  Cervidae  Filicophyta  Gaylussacia  Hamamelis  Hamamelis virginiana  Odocoileus virginianus  Quercus  Quercus rubra  Rubus  Sassafras  Sassafras albidum  Ungulata  Vaccinium  
Prescribed fire effects on Pinus palustris woodland development after catastrophic wind disturbance and salvage logging 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 468
作者:  Kleinman J.S.;  Goode J.D.;  Hart J.L.;  Dey D.C.
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Ecosystems  Enhanced recovery  Forestry  Fuels  Hardwoods  Disturbed forests  Mineral soil exposure  Natural disturbance  Operational scale  Prescribed fires  Sapling densities  Stand development  Wind disturbance  Fires  canopy architecture  coniferous tree  ecosystem service  environmental disturbance  fuel consumption  logging (timber)  organic matter  prescribed burning  resprouting  sapling  service provision  wind velocity  woodland  Ecosystems  Fires  Forestry  Fuels  Hardwoods  Logging  Salvage  Wind  Pinus palustris  
Direct and indirect relationships between logging intensity and regeneration of two timber species in the Dry Chaco of Argentina 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 474
作者:  Tálamo A.;  Lopez de Casenave J.;  Garibaldi L.A.;  Núñez-Regueiro M.
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Ecology  Hardwoods  Reforestation  Timber  Ecological integrity  Forest structure  Forestry practices  Indirect effects  Logging intensities  Observational study  Sapling densities  Structural equation models  Logging (forestry)  abundance  basal area  fauna  forestry  logging (timber)  sustainability  timber  woodland  Basal Area  Coverings  Density  Ecology  Hardwoods  Intensity  Logging  Reforestation  Argentina  Chaco [Argentina]  Aspidosperma quebracho-blanco  Schinopsis quebracho-colorado  
Limited water availability did not protect poplar saplings from water use efficiency reduction under elevated ozone 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 462
作者:  Xu Y.;  Feng Z.;  Shang B.;  Yuan X.;  Tarvainen L.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:40/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/28
Biochemistry  Cotton  Drought  Efficiency  Forestry  Global warming  Ozone  Photosynthesis  Physiological models  Physiology  Plant shutdowns  Water supply  Mesophyll conductance  Populus deltoides  Stomatal conductance  Water availability  Water use efficiency  Plants (botany)  biochemistry  concentration (composition)  dicotyledon  drought  growth  ozone  photosynthesis  physiological response  sapling  stomatal conductance  transpiration  water availability  water chemistry  water use efficiency  Biochemistry  Cotton  Drought  Efficiency  Forestry  Ozone  Populus deltoides  
Topography and fire legacies drive variable post-fire juvenile conifer regeneration in eastern Oregon, USA 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 474
作者:  Boag A.E.;  Ducey M.J.;  Palace M.W.;  Hartter J.
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Drought  Ecosystems  Reforestation  Surveys  Thermal load  Topography  Conifer seedlings  Drought conditions  Forest ecosystem  Lodgepole pine  Marginal sites  Plant associations  Ponderosa pines  Sapling densities  Fires  climate effect  coniferous tree  forest ecosystem  forest management  grassland  moisture content  population density  probability  regeneration  sapling  seedling  shrubland  succession  topography  wildfire  Drought  Ecosystems  Pinus Contorta  Reforestation  Surveys  Topography  Blue Mountains [United States]  United States  Coniferophyta  Pinus contorta  Pseudotsuga  Pseudotsuga menziesii  
Inter-specific tolerance to recurrent droughts of pine species revealed in saplings rather than adult trees 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 459
作者:  Andivia E.;  Ruiz-Benito P.;  Díaz-Martínez P.;  Carro-Martínez N.;  Zavala M.A.;  Madrigal-González J.
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Agronomy  Climate change  Climate models  Drought  Electric resistance  Forecasting  Least squares approximations  Population statistics  Basal area increment  Dendroecology  Drought tolerances  Forest compositions  Forest dynamics  Generalized least square  Juvenile response  Resilience  Forestry  basal area  climate change  coniferous tree  dominance  drought  drought stress  forest dynamics  juvenile  mortality  sapling  Agronomy  Drought  Electric Resistance  Forecasts  Forestry  Resilience  Pinus pinaster  
Growth and chemical responses of balsam fir saplings released from intense browsing pressure in the boreal forests of western Newfoundland, Canada 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 460
作者:  Nosko P.;  Roberts K.;  Knight T.;  Marcellus A.
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Flavonoids  Metabolites  Network security  Nitrogen  Plant shutdowns  Reforestation  Abies balsamea  Alces alces  Browsing damage  Chemical defense  Forest regeneration  Moose exclosure  Tannins  boreal forest  canopy architecture  chemical defense  concentration (composition)  coniferous tree  forage  grazing pressure  leaf  regeneration  sapling  tannin  Abies Balsamea  Abies Lasiocarpa  Flavonoids  Nitrogen  Reforestation  Saplings  Tannins  Canada  Gros Morne National Park  Newfoundland  Newfoundland and Labrador  Abies  Abies balsamea  Alces alces  Ungulata  
The effects of warming and nitrogen addition on fine root exudation rates in a young Chinese-fir stand 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 458
作者:  Xiong D.;  Huang J.;  Yang Z.;  Cai Y.;  Lin T.-C.;  Liu X.;  Xu C.;  Chen S.;  Chen G.;  Xie J.;  Li Y.;  Yang Y.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:45/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/28
Ecosystems  Nitrogen  Nutrients  Tropics  Cunninghamia lanceolata  Elevated temperature  Fine roots  Interactive effect  Nitrogen deposition  Subtropical plantation  Soils  carbohydrate  coniferous tree  exudation  fine root  forest ecosystem  global warming  nitrogen compound  nutrient availability  nutrient cycling  plantation forestry  sapling  soil fertility  subtropical region  Abies  Chinese  Ecosystems  Exudates  Nitrogen  Nutrients  Soil  Tropics  Cunninghamia lanceolata