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Impacts of detritivore diversity loss on instream decomposition are greatest in the tropics 期刊论文
Nature Communications, 2021, 卷号: 12, 期号: 1
作者:  Boyero L.;  López-Rojo N.;  Tonin A.M.;  Pérez J.;  Correa-Araneda F.;  Pearson R.G.;  Bosch J.;  Albariño R.J.;  Anbalagan S.;  Barmuta L.A.;  Basaguren A.;  Burdon F.J.;  Caliman A.;  Callisto M.;  Calor A.R.;  Campbell I.C.;  Cardinale B.J.;  Jesús Casas J.;  Chará-Serna A.M.;  Chauvet E.;  Ciapała S.;  Colón-Gaud C.;  Cornejo A.;  Davis A.M.;  Degebrodt M.;  Dias E.S.;  Díaz M.E.;  Douglas M.M.;  Encalada A.C.;  Figueroa R.;  Flecker A.S.;  Fleituch T.;  García E.A.;  García G.;  García P.E.;  Gessner M.O.;  Gómez J.E.;  Gómez S.;  Gonçalves J.F.;  Jr.;  Graça M.A.S.;  Gwinn D.C.;  Hall R.O.;  Jr;  Hamada N.;  Hui C.;  Imazawa D.;  Iwata T.;  Kariuki S.K.;  Landeira-Dabarca A.;  Laymon K.;  Leal M.;  Marchant R.;  Martins R.T.;  Masese F.O.;  Maul M.;  McKie B.G.;  Medeiros A.O.;  Erimba C.M.M.;  Middleton J.A.;  Monroy S.;  Muotka T.;  Negishi J.N.;  Ramírez A.;  Richardson J.S.;  Rincón J.;  Rubio-Ríos J.;  dos Santos G.M.;  Sarremejane R.;  Sheldon F.;  Sitati A.;  Tenkiano N.S.D.;  Tiegs S.D.;  Tolod J.R.;  Venarsky M.;  Watson A.;  Yule C.M.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:34/0  |  提交时间:2022/02/22
Effect of tectonic processes on biosphere–geosphere feedbacks across a convergent margin 期刊论文
Nature Geoscience, 2021, 卷号: 14, 期号: 5
作者:  Fullerton K.M.;  Schrenk M.O.;  Yücel M.;  Manini E.;  Basili M.;  Rogers T.J.;  Fattorini D.;  Di Carlo M.;  d’Errico G.;  Regoli F.;  Nakagawa M.;  Vetriani C.;  Smedile F.;  Ramírez C.;  Miller H.;  Morrison S.M.;  Buongiorno J.;  Jessen G.L.;  Steen A.D.;  Martínez M.;  de Moor J.M.;  Barry P.H.;  Giovannelli D.;  Lloyd K.G.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:51/0  |  提交时间:2021/09/01
High 3He/4He in central Panama reveals a distal connection to the Galapagos plume 期刊论文
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2021, 卷号: 118, 期号: 47
作者:  Bekaert D.V.;  Gazel E.;  Turner S.;  Behn M.D.;  de Moor J.M.;  Zahirovic S.;  Manea V.C.;  Hoernle K.;  Fischer T.P.;  Hammerstrom A.;  Seltzer A.M.;  Kulongoski J.T.;  Patel B.S.;  Schrenk M.O.;  Halldórsson S.A.;  Nakagawa M.;  Ramírez C.J.;  Krantz J.A.;  Yücel M.;  Ballentine C.J.;  Giovannelli D.;  Lloyd K.G.;  Barry P.H.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:187/0  |  提交时间:2022/02/22
Overview of the SLOPE i and II campaigns: Aerosol properties retrieved with lidar and sun-sky photometer measurements 期刊论文
作者:  Benavent-Oltra J.A.;  Casquero-Vera J.A.;  Román R.;  Lyamani H.;  Pérez-Ramírez D.;  Granados-Munõz M.J.;  Herrera M.;  Cazorla A.;  Titos G.;  Ortiz-Amezcua P.;  Bedoya-Velásquez A.E.;  De Arruda Moreira G.;  Pérez N.;  Alastuey A.;  Dubovik O.;  Guerrero-Rascado J.L.;  Olmo-Reyes F.J.;  Alados-Arboledas L.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:31/0  |  提交时间:2022/01/18
Global quieting of high-frequency seismic noise due to COVID-19 pandemic lockdown measures 期刊论文
Science, 2020, 卷号: 369, 期号: 6509
作者:  Lecocq T.;  Hicks S.P.;  van Noten K.;  van Wijk K.;  Koelemeijer P.;  de Plaen R.S.M.;  Massin F.;  Hillers G.;  Anthony R.E.;  Apoloner M.-T.;  Arroyo-Solórzano M.;  Assink J.D.;  Büyükakpınar P.;  Cannata A.;  Cannavo F.;  Carrasco S.;  Caudron C.;  Chaves E.J.;  Cornwell D.G.;  Craig D.;  den Ouden O.F.C.;  Diaz J.;  Donner S.;  Evangelidis C.P.;  Evers L.;  Fauville B.;  Fernandez G.A.;  Giannopoulos D.;  Gibbons S.J.;  Girona T.;  Grecu B.;  Grunberg M.;  Hetényi G.;  Horleston A.;  Inza A.;  Irving J.C.E.;  Jamalreyhani M.;  Kafka A.;  Koymans M.R.;  Labedz C.R.;  Larose E.;  Lindsey N.J.;  McKinnon M.;  Megies T.;  Miller M.S.;  Minarik W.;  Moresi L.;  Márquez-Ramírez V.H.;  Möllhoff M.;  Nesbitt I.M.;  Niyogi S.;  Ojeda J.;  Oth A.;  Proud S.;  Pulli J.;  Retailleau L.;  Rintamäki A.E.;  Satriano C.;  Savage M.K.;  Shani-Kadmiel S.;  Sleeman R.;  Sokos E.;  Stammler K.;  Stott A.E.;  Subedi S.;  Sørensen M.B.;  Taira T.;  Tapia M.;  Turhan F.;  van der Pluijm B.;  Vanstone M.;  Vergne J.;  Vuorinen T.A.T.;  Warren T.;  Wassermann J.;  Xiao H.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:40/0  |  提交时间:2022/01/14
Bacterial diversity in surface sediments from the continental shelf and slope of the North West gulf of Mexico and the presence of hydrocarbon degrading bacteria 期刊论文
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2020, 卷号: 150
作者:  Ramírez D.;  Vega-Alvarado L.;  Taboada B.;  Estradas-Romero A.;  Soto L.;  Juárez K.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:26/0  |  提交时间:2020/11/23
A gridded inventory of anthropogenic methane emissions from Mexico based on Mexico’s national inventory of greenhouse gases and compounds 期刊论文
Environmental Research Letters, 2020, 卷号: 15, 期号: 10
作者:  Scarpelli T.R.;  Jacob D.J.;  Octaviano Villasana C.A.;  Ramírez Hernández I.F.;  Cárdenas Moreno P.R.;  Cortés Alfaro E.A.;  García García M.Á.;  Zavala-Araiza D.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:26/0  |  提交时间:2020/12/08
The effect of the ‘Las Maquinas’ wildfire of 2017 on the hydrologic balance of a high conservation value Hualo (Nothofagus glauca (Phil.) Krasser) forest in central Chile 期刊论文
Forest Ecology and Management, 2020, 卷号: 477
作者:  Balocchi F.;  Flores N.;  Neary D.;  White D.A.;  Silberstein R.;  Ramírez de Arellano P.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:31/0  |  提交时间:2020/12/08
Regional climates 期刊论文
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 2020, 卷号: 101, 期号: 8
作者:  Abida A.;  Aldeco L.S.;  Alfaro E.J.;  Alves L.M.;  Amador J.A.;  Andrade B.;  Baez J.;  Bardin M.Yu.;  Bekele E.;  Bissolli P.;  Broedel E.;  Bukunt B.;  Calderón B.;  Campbell J.D.;  Campos Diaz D.A.;  Carvajal G.;  Chandler E.;  Cheng V.Y.S.;  Choi C.;  Clarke L.A.;  Correa K.;  Costa F.;  Cunha A.P.;  Demircan M.;  Dhurmea R.;  Díaz E.A.;  El Kharrim M.;  Enyew B.D.;  Espinoza J.C.;  Fazl-Kazem A.;  Fedaeff N.;  Feng Z.;  Fenimore C.;  Francis S.D.;  Ganter C.;  Gleason K.;  Guard C.C.P.;  Gustari I.;  Hagos S.;  Heim R.R.;  Jr.;  Hernández R.;  Hidalgo H.G.;  Ijampy J.A.;  Joseph A.C.;  Jumaux G.;  Kabidi K.;  Kaiser J.W.;  Kamsu-Tamo P.-H.;  Kennedy J.;  Khan V.;  Khiem M.V.;  Kokosadze K.;  Korshunova N.N.;  Kruger Andries C.;  Kutaladze N.;  Labbé L.;  Lakatos M.;  Lam H.P.;  Lander M.A.;  Lavado-Casimiro W.;  Lee T.C.;  Leung K.H.Y.;  Li T.;  Magee A.D.;  Mamen J.;  Marengo J.A.;  Marín D.;  McBride C.;  Megrelidze L.;  Mekonnen A.;  Misevicius N.;  Mochizuki Y.;  Moise A.;  Molina-Carpio J.;  Mora N.;  Mostafa A.E.;  Nieto J.J.;  Oyunjargal L.;  Pascual Ramírez R.;  Saavedra P.;  Asuncion M.;  Pfeifroth U.;  Phillips D.;  Rajeevan M.;  Ramos A.M.;  Revadekar J.V.;  Robjhon M.;  Rodriguez Camino E.;  Rodriguez Guisado E.;  Ronchail J.;  Rösner B.;  Salinas R.;  Sánchez-Lugo A.;  Sayouri A.;  Schreck C.J.;  III;  Sensoy S.;  Shimpo A.;  Sima F.;  Smith A.;  Spence J.;  Spillane S.;  Spitzer A.;  Srivastava A.K.;  Stella J.L.;  Stephenson K.A.;  Stephenson T.S.;  Taylor M.A.;  Thiaw W.;  Tobin S.;  Todey D.;  Trachte K.;  Trotman A.R.;  van der Schrier G.;  Van Meerbeeck C.J.;  Vazifeh A.;  Vicencio Veloso J.;  Wang W.;  Xin F.;  Zhang P.;  Zhu Z.;  Zucule J.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:56/0  |  提交时间:2021/05/21
Precipitable water vapor over oceans from the Maritime Aerosol Network: Evaluation of global models and satellite products under clear sky conditions 期刊论文
Atmospheric Research, 2019, 卷号: 215
作者:  Pérez-Ramírez D.;  Smirnov A.;  Pinker R.T.;  Petrenko M.;  Román R.;  Chen W.;  Ichoku C.;  Noël S.;  Abad G.G.;  Lyamani H.;  Holben B.N.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:40/0  |  提交时间:2021/01/18