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Sensitivity of South American tropical forests to an extreme climate anomaly 期刊论文
Nature Climate Change, 2023
作者:  Bennett, Amy C.;  Rodrigues de Sousa, Thaiane;  Monteagudo-Mendoza, Abel;  Esquivel-Muelbert, Adriane;  Morandi, Paulo S.;  Coelho de Souza, Fernanda;  Castro, Wendeson;  Duque, Luisa Fernanda;  Flores Llampazo, Gerardo;  Manoel dos Santos, Rubens;  Ramos, Eliana;  Vilanova Torre, Emilio;  Alvarez-Davila, Esteban;  Baker, Timothy R.;  Costa, Flavia R. C.;  Lewis, Simon L.;  Marimon, Beatriz S.;  Schietti, Juliana;  Burban, Benoit;  Berenguer, Erika;  Araujo-Murakami, Alejandro;  Restrepo Correa, Zorayda;  Lopez, Wilmar;  Delgado Santana, Flavia;  Viscarra, Laura Jessica;  Elias, Fernando;  Vasquez Martinez, Rodolfo;  Marimon-Junior, Ben Hur;  Galbraith, David;  Sullivan, Martin J. P.;  Emilio, Thaise;  Prestes, Nayane C. C. S.;  Barlow, Jos;  Alencar Fagundes, Nathalle Cristine;  Almeida de Oliveira, Edmar;  Alvarez Loayza, Patricia;  Alves, Luciana F.;  Aparecida Vieira, Simone;  Andrade Maia, Vinicius;  Aragao, Luiz E. O. C.;  Arets, Eric J. M. M.;  Arroyo, Luzmila;  Banki, Olaf;  Baraloto, Christopher;  Barbosa Camargo, Plinio;  Barroso, Jorcely;  Bento da Silva, Wilder;  Bonal, Damien;  Borges Miranda Santos, Alisson;  Brienen, Roel J. W.;  Brown, Foster;  Castilho, Carolina V.;  Cerruto Ribeiro, Sabina;  Chama Moscoso, Victor;  Chavez, Ezequiel;  Comiskey, James A.;  Cornejo Valverde, Fernando;  Davila Cardozo, Nallarett;  de Aguiar-Campos, Natalia;  de Oliveira Melo, Lia;  del Aguila Pasquel, Jhon;  Derroire, Geraldine;  Disney, Mathias;  do Socorro, Maria;  Dourdain, Aurelie;  Feldpausch, Ted R.;  Ferreira, Joice;  Forni Martins, Valeria;  Gardner, Toby;  Gloor, Emanuel;  Gutierrez Sibauty, Gloria;  Guillen, Rene;  Hase, Eduardo;  Herault, Bruno;  Honorio Coronado, Euridice N.;  Huaraca Huasco, Walter;  Janovec, John P.;  Jimenez-Rojas, Eliana;  Joly, Carlos;  Kalamandeen, Michelle;  Killeen, Timothy J.;  Lais Farrapo, Camila;  Levesley, Aurora;  Lizon Romano, Leon;  Lopez Gonzalez, Gabriela;  Maes dos Santos, Flavio Antonio;  Magnusson, William E.;  Malhi, Yadvinder;  Matias de Almeida Reis, Simone;  Melgaco, Karina;  Melo Cruz, Omar A.;  Mendoza Polo, Irina;  Montanez, Tatiana;  Morel, Jean Daniel;  Nunez Vargas, M. Percy;  Oliveira de Araujo, Raimunda;  Pallqui Camacho, Nadir C.;  Parada Gutierrez, Alexander;  Pennington, Toby;  Pickavance, Georgia C.;  Pipoly, John;  Pitman, Nigel C. A.;  Quesada, Carlos;  Ramirez Arevalo, Freddy;  Ramirez-Angulo, Hirma;  Flora Ramos, Rafael;  Richardson, James E.;  Rodrigo de Souza, Cleber;  Roopsind, Anand;  Schwartz, Gustavo;  Silva, Richarlly C.;  Silva Espejo, Javier;  Silveira, Marcos;  Singh, James;  Soto Shareva, Yhan;  Steininger, Marc;  Stropp, Juliana;  Talbot, Joey;  ter Steege, Hans;  Terborgh, John;  Thomas, Raquel;  Valenzuela Gamarra, Luis;  van der Heijden, Geertje;  van der Hout, Peter;  Zagt, Roderick;  Phillips, Oliver L.
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Disentangling the numbers behind agriculture-driven tropical deforestation 期刊论文
SCIENCE, 2022, 卷号: 377, 期号: 6611
作者:  Pendrill, Florence;  Gardner, Toby A.;  Meyfroidt, Patrick;  Persson, U. Martin;  Adams, Justin;  Azevedo, Tasso;  Lima, Mairon G. Bastos;  Baumann, Matthias;  Curtis, Philip G.;  De Sy, Veronique;  Garrett, Rachael;  Godar, Javier;  Goldman, Elizabeth Dow;  Hansen, Matthew C.;  Heilmayr, Robert;  Herold, Martin;  Kuemmerle, Tobias;  Lathuilliere, Michael J.;  Ribeiro, Vivian;  Tyukavina, Alexandra;  Weisse, Mikaela J.;  West, Chris
收藏  |  浏览/下载:8/0  |  提交时间:2024/01/31
Using ICESat-2 and Operation IceBridge altimetry for supraglacial lake depth retrievals 期刊论文
Cryosphere, 2020, 卷号: 14, 期号: 11
作者:  Fair Z.;  Flanner M.;  Brunt K.M.;  Amanda Fricker H.;  Gardner A.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:22/0  |  提交时间:2021/09/01
Understanding of Contemporary Regional Sea-Level Change and the Implications for the Future 期刊论文
Reviews of Geophysics, 2020, 卷号: 58, 期号: 3
作者:  Hamlington B.D.;  Gardner A.S.;  Ivins E.;  Lenaerts J.T.M.;  Reager J.T.;  Trossman D.S.;  Zaron E.D.;  Adhikari S.;  Arendt A.;  Aschwanden A.;  Beckley B.D.;  Bekaert D.P.S.;  Blewitt G.;  Caron L.;  Chambers D.P.;  Chandanpurkar H.A.;  Christianson K.;  Csatho B.;  Cullather R.I.;  DeConto R.M.;  Fasullo J.T.;  Frederikse T.;  Freymueller J.T.;  Gilford D.M.;  Girotto M.;  Hammond W.C.;  Hock R.;  Holschuh N.;  Kopp R.E.;  Landerer F.;  Larour E.;  Menemenlis D.;  Merrifield M.;  Mitrovica J.X.;  Nerem R.S.;  Nias I.J.;  Nieves V.;  Nowicki S.;  Pangaluru K.;  Piecuch C.G.;  Ray R.D.;  Rounce D.R.;  Schlegel N.-J.;  Seroussi H.;  Shirzaei M.;  Sweet W.V.;  Velicogna I.;  Vinogradova N.;  Wahl T.;  Wiese D.N.;  Willis M.J.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:49/0  |  提交时间:2021/07/19
Author Correction: Shape of (101955) Bennu indicative of a rubble pile with internal stiffness (Nature Geoscience, (2019), 12, 4, (247-252), 10.1038/s41561-019-0330-x) 期刊论文
Nature Geoscience, 2020, 卷号: 13, 期号: 11
作者:  Barnouin O.S.;  Daly M.G.;  Palmer E.E.;  Gaskell R.W.;  Weirich J.R.;  Johnson C.L.;  Al Asad M.M.;  Roberts J.H.;  Perry M.E.;  Susorney H.C.M.;  Daly R.T.;  Bierhaus E.B.;  Seabrook J.A.;  Espiritu R.C.;  Nair A.H.;  Nguyen L.;  Neumann G.A.;  Ernst C.M.;  Boynton W.V.;  Nolan M.C.;  Adam C.D.;  Moreau M.C.;  Rizk B.;  Drouet D’Aubigny C.Y.;  Jawin E.R.;  Walsh K.J.;  Michel P.;  Schwartz S.R.;  Ballouz R.-L.;  Mazarico E.M.;  Scheeres D.J.;  McMahon J.W.;  Bottke W.F.;  Sugita S.;  Hirata N.;  Hirata N.;  Watanabe S.-I.;  Burke K.N.;  DellaGiustina D.N.;  Bennett C.A.;  Lauretta D.S.;  Highsmith D.E.;  Small J.;  Vokrouhlický D.;  Bowles N.E.;  Brown E.;  Donaldson Hanna K.L.;  Warren T.;  Brunet C.;  Chicoine R.A.;  Desjardins S.;  Gaudreau D.;  Haltigin T.;  Millington-Veloza S.;  Rubi A.;  Aponte J.;  Gorius N.;  Lunsford A.;  Allen B.;  Grindlay J.;  Guevel D.;  Hoak D.;  Hong J.;  Schrader D.L.;  Bayron J.;  Golubov O.;  Sánchez P.;  Stromberg J.;  Hirabayashi M.;  Hartzell C.M.;  Oliver S.;  Rascon M.;  Harch A.;  Joseph J.;  Squyres S.;  Richardson D.;  Emery J.P.;  McGraw L.;  Ghent R.;  Binzel R.P.;  Asad M.M.A.;  Johnson C.L.;  Philpott L.;  Susorney H.C.M.;  Cloutis E.A.;  Hanna R.D.;  Connolly H.C.;  Jr.;  Ciceri F.;  Hildebrand A.R.;  Ibrahim E.-M.;  Breitenfeld L.;  Glotch T.;  Rogers A.D.;  Clark B.E.;  Ferrone S.;  Thomas C.A.;  Campins H.;  Fernandez Y.;  Chang W.;  Cheuvront A.;  Trang D.;  Tachibana S.;  Yurimoto H.;  Brucato J.R.;  Poggiali G.;  Pajola M.;  Dotto E.;  Epifani E.M.;  Crombie M.K.;  Lantz C.;  Izawa M.R.M.;  de Leon J.;  Licandro J.;  Garcia J.L.R.;  Clemett S.;  Thomas-Keprta K.;  Van wal S.;  Yoshikawa M.;  Bellerose J.;  Bhaskaran S.;  Boyles C.;  Chesley S.R.;  Elder C.M.;  Farnocchia D.;  Harbison A.;  Kennedy B.;  Knight A.;  Martinez-Vlasoff N.;  Mastrodemos N.;  McElrath T.;  Owen W.;  Park R.;  Rush B.;  Swanson L.;  Takahashi Y.;  Velez D.;  Yetter K.;  Thayer C.;  Adam C.;  Antreasian P.;  Bauman J.;  Bryan C.;  Carcich B.;  Corvin M.;  Geeraert J.;  Hoffman J.;  Leonard J.M.;  Lessac-Chenen E.;  Levine A.;  McAdams J.;  McCarthy L.;  Nelson D.;  Page B.;  Pelgrift J.;  Sahr E.;  Stakkestad K.;  Stanbridge D.;  Wibben D.;  Williams B.;  Williams K.;  Wolff P.;  Hayne P.;  Kubitschek D.;  Barucci M.A.;  Deshapriya J.D.P.;  Fornasier S.;  Fulchignoni M.;  Hasselmann P.;  Merlin F.;  Praet A.;  Bierhaus E.B.;  Billett O.;  Boggs A.;  Buck B.;  Carlson-Kelly S.;  Cerna J.;  Chaffin K.;  Church E.;  Coltrin M.;  Daly J.;  Deguzman A.;  Dubisher R.;  Eckart D.;  Ellis D.;  Falkenstern P.;  Fisher A.;  Fisher M.E.;  Fleming P.;  Fortney K.;  Francis S.;  Freund S.;  Gonzales S.;  Haas P.;  Hasten A.;  Hauf D.;  Hilbert A.;  Howell D.;  Jaen F.;  Jayakody N.;  Jenkins M.;  Johnson K.;  Lefevre M.;  Ma H.;  Mario C.;  Martin K.;  May C.;  McGee M.;  Miller B.;  Miller C.;  Miller G.;  Mirfakhrai A.;  Muhle E.;  Norman C.;  Olds R.;  Parish C.;  Ryle M.;  Schmitzer M.;  Sherman P.;  Skeen M.;  Susak M.;  Sutter B.;  Tran Q.;  Welch C.;  Witherspoon R.;  Wood J.;  Zareski J.;  Arvizu-Jakubicki M.;  Asphaug E.;  Audi E.;  Ballouz R.-L.;  Bandrowski R.;  Becker K.J.;  Becker T.L.;  Bendall S.;  Bennett C.A.;  Bloomenthal H.;  Blum D.;  Boynton W.V.;  Brodbeck J.;  Burke K.N.;  Chojnacki M.;  Colpo A.;  Contreras J.;  Cutts J.;  d’Aubigny C.Y.D.;  Dean D.;  DellaGiustina D.N.;  Diallo B.;  Drinnon D.;  Drozd K.;  Enos H.L.;  Enos R.;  Fellows C.;  Ferro T.;  Fisher M.R.;  Fitzgibbon G.;  Fitzgibbon M.;  Forelli J.;  Forrester T.;  Galinsky I.;  Garcia R.;  Gardner A.;  Golish D.R.;  Habib N.;  Hamara D.;  Hammond D.;  Hanley K.;  Harshman K.;  Hergenrother C.W.;  Herzog K.;  Hill D.;  Hoekenga C.;  Hooven S.;  Howell E.S.;  Huettner E.;  Janakus A.;  Jones J.;  Kareta T.R.;  Kidd J.;  Kingsbury K.;  Balram-Knutson S.S.;  Koelbel L.;  Kreiner J.;  Lambert D.;  Lauretta D.S.;  Lewin C.;  Lovelace B.;  Loveridge M.;  Lujan M.;  Maleszewski C.K.;  Malhotra R.;  Marchese K.;  McDonough E.;  Mogk N.;  Morrison V.;  Morton E.;  Munoz R.;  Nelson J.;  Nolan M.C.;  Padilla J.;  Pennington R.;  Polit A.;  Ramos N.;  Reddy V.;  Riehl M.;  Rizk B.;  Roper H.L.;  Salazar S.;  Schwartz S.R.;  Selznick S.;  Shultz N.;  Smith P.H.;  Stewart S.;  Sutton S.;  Swindle T.;  Tang Y.H.;  Westermann M.;  Wolner C.W.V.;  Worden D.;  Zega T.;  Zeszut Z.;  Bjurstrom A.;  Bloomquist L.;  Dickinson C.;  Keates E.;  Liang J.;  Nifo V.;  Taylor A.;  Teti F.;  Caplinger M.;  Bowles H.;  Carter S.;  Dickenshied S.;  Doerres D.;  Fisher T.;  Hagee W.;  Hill J.;  Miner M.;  Noss D.;  Piacentine N.;  Smith M.;  Toland A.;  Wren P.;  Bernacki M.;  Munoz D.P.;  Watanabe S.-I.;  Sandford S.A.;  Aqueche A.;  Ashman B.;  Barker M.;  Bartels A.;  Berry K.;  Bos B.;  Burns R.;  Calloway A.;  Carpenter R.;  Castro N.;  Cosentino R.;  Donaldson J.;  Dworkin J.P.;  Cook J.E.;  Emr C.;  Everett D.;  Fennell D.;  Fleshman K.;  Folta D.;  Gallagher D.;  Garvin J.;  Getzandanner K.;  Glavin D.;  Hull S.;  Hyde K.;  Ido H.;  Ingegneri A.;  Jones N.;  Kaotira P.;  Lim L.F.;  Liounis A.;  Lorentson C.;  Lorenz D.;  Lyzhoft J.;  Mazarico E.M.;  Mink R.;  Moore W.;  Moreau M.;  Mullen S.;  Nagy J.;  Neumann G.;  Nuth J.;  Poland D.;  Reuter D.C.;  Rhoads L.;  Rieger S.;  Rowlands D.;  Sallitt D.;  Scroggins A.;  Shaw G.;  Simon A.A.;  Swenson J.;  Vasudeva P.;  Wasser M.;  Zellar R.;  Grossman J.;  Johnston G.;  Morris M.;  Wendel J.;  Burton A.;  Keller L.P.;  McNamara L.;  Messenger S.;  Nakamura-Messenger K.;  Nguyen A.;  Righter K.;  Queen E.;  Bellamy K.;  Dill K.;  Gardner S.;  Giuntini M.;  Key B.;  Kissell J.;  Patterson D.;  Vaughan D.;  Wright B.;  Gaskell R.W.;  Le Corre L.;  Li J.-Y.;  Molaro J.L.;  Palmer E.E.;  Siegler M.A.;  Tricarico P.;  Weirich J.R.;  Zou X.-D.;  Ireland T.;  Tait K.;  Bland P.;  Anwar S.;  Bojorquez-Murphy N.;  Christensen P.R.;  Haberle C.W.;  Mehall G.;  Rios K.;  Franchi I.;  Rozitis B.;  Beddingfield C.B.;  Marshall J.;  Brack D.N.;  French A.S.;  McMahon J.W.;  Scheeres D.J.;  Jawin E.R.;  McCoy T.J.;  Russell S.;  Killgore M.;  Bottke W.F.;  Hamilton V.E.;  Kaplan H.H.;  Walsh K.J.;  Bandfield J.L.;  Clark B.C.;  Chodas M.;  Lambert M.;  Masterson R.A.;  Daly M.G.;  Freemantle J.;  Seabrook J.A.;  Barnouin O.S.;  Craft K.;  Daly R.T.;  Ernst C.;  Espiritu R.C.;  Holdridge M.;  Jones M.;  Nair A.H.;  Nguyen L.;  Peachey J.;  Perry M.E.;  Plescia J.;  Roberts J.H.;  Steele R.;  Turner R.;  Backer J.;  Edmundson K.;  Mapel J.;  Milazzo M.;  Sides S.;  Manzoni C.;  May B.;  Delbo’ M.;  Libourel G.;  Michel P.;  Ryan A.;  Thuillet F.;  Marty B.;  The OSIRIS-REx Team
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Integrated terrestrial-freshwater planning doubles conservation of tropical aquatic species 期刊论文
Science, 2020, 卷号: 370, 期号: 6512
作者:  Leal C.G.;  Lennox G.D.;  Ferraz S.F.B.;  Ferreira J.;  A. Gardner T.;  Thomson J.R.;  Berenguer E.;  Lees A.C.;  Hughes R.M.;  Nally R.M.;  Aragão L.E.O.C.;  De Brito J.G.;  Castello L.;  Garrett R.D.;  Hamada N.;  Juen L.;  Leitão R.P.;  Louzada J.;  Morello T.F.;  Moura N.G.;  Nessimian J.L.;  Oliveira-Junior J.M.B.;  Oliveira V.H.F.;  De Oliveira V.C.;  Parry L.;  Pompeu P.S.;  Solar R.R.C.;  Zuanon J.;  Barlow J.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:30/0  |  提交时间:2022/01/14
Comparative analysis of snowfall accumulation over Antarctica in light of Ice discharge and gravity observations from space 期刊论文
Environmental Research Letters, 2020, 卷号: 15, 期号: 10
作者:  Behrangi A.;  Gardner A.S.;  Wiese D.N.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:32/0  |  提交时间:2020/12/08
Enhanced trace element mobilization by Earth's ice sheets 期刊论文
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2020, 卷号: 117, 期号: 50
作者:  Hawkings J.R.;  Skidmore M.L.;  Wadham J.L.;  Priscu J.C.;  Morton P.L.;  Hatton J.E.;  Gardner C.B.;  Kohler T.J.;  Stibal M.;  Bagshaw E.A.;  Steigmeyer A.;  Barker J.;  Dore J.E.;  Berry Lyons W.;  Tranter M.;  Spencer R.G.M.;  SALSA Science Team
收藏  |  浏览/下载:38/0  |  提交时间:2021/01/06
Enhanced trace element mobilization by Earth's ice sheets 期刊论文
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2020, 卷号: 117, 期号: 50
作者:  Hawkings J.R.;  Skidmore M.L.;  Wadham J.L.;  Priscu J.C.;  Morton P.L.;  Hatton J.E.;  Gardner C.B.;  Kohler T.J.;  Stibal M.;  Bagshaw E.A.;  Steigmeyer A.;  Barker J.;  Dore J.E.;  Berry Lyons W.;  Tranter M.;  Spencer R.G.M.;  SALSA Science Team
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Enhanced trace element mobilization by Earth's ice sheets 期刊论文
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2020, 卷号: 117, 期号: 50
作者:  Hawkings J.R.;  Skidmore M.L.;  Wadham J.L.;  Priscu J.C.;  Morton P.L.;  Hatton J.E.;  Gardner C.B.;  Kohler T.J.;  Stibal M.;  Bagshaw E.A.;  Steigmeyer A.;  Barker J.;  Dore J.E.;  Berry Lyons W.;  Tranter M.;  Spencer R.G.M.;  SALSA Science Team
收藏  |  浏览/下载:56/0  |  提交时间:2021/01/06