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Composition of Stream Dissolved Organic Matter Across Canadian Forested Ecozones Varies in Three Dimensions Linked to Landscape and Climate 期刊论文
WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 2024, 卷号: 60, 期号: 5
作者:  Orlova, Julia;  Amiri, Fariba;  Bourgeois, Alyssa K.;  Buttle, Jim M.;  Cherlet, Erin;  Cuss, Chad W.;  Devito, Kevin J.;  Emelko, Monica B.;  Floyd, William C.;  Foster, David E.;  Hutchins, Ryan H. S.;  Jamieson, Rob;  Johnson, Mark S.;  McSorley, Hannah J.;  Silins, Uldis;  Tank, Suzanne E.;  Thompson, Lauren M.;  Webster, Kara L.;  Williams, Chris H. S.;  Olefeldt, David
收藏  |  浏览/下载:12/0  |  提交时间:2024/06/11
Application of the socioecological model to mitigate risks of heat illness 期刊论文
NURSING OUTLOOK, 2024, 卷号: 72, 期号: 3
作者:  Bernhardt, Jean M.;  Amiri, Azita
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Landslide susceptibility assessment and mapping using state-of-the art machine learning techniques 期刊论文
Natural Hazards, 2021, 卷号: 108, 期号: 1
作者:  Pourghasemi H.R.;  Sadhasivam N.;  Amiri M.;  Eskandari S.;  Santosh M.
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Boosted regression tree  Functional discriminant analysis  Generalized linear model  Landslides  Mixture discriminant analysis  Partial least square  
On the adhesion–velocity relation and length adaptation of motile cells on stepped fibronectin lanes 期刊论文
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2021, 卷号: 118, 期号: 4
作者:  Schreiber C.;  Amiri B.;  Heyn J.C.J.;  Rädler J.O.;  Falcke M.
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Comparison of new individual and hybrid machine learning algorithms for modeling and mapping fire hazard: a supplementary analysis of fire hazard in different counties of Golestan Province in Iran 期刊论文
Natural Hazards, 2020, 卷号: 104, 期号: 1
作者:  Eskandari S.;  Amiri M.;  Sãdhasivam N.;  Pourghasemi H.R.
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Distance to urban areas (DTU)  Effective factors  Fire hazard mapping  Individual and hybrid modeling  Machine learning  XGBoost  
Studying postseismic deformation of the 2010–2011 Rigan earthquake sequence in SE Iran using geodetic data 期刊论文
Tectonophysics, 2020, 卷号: 795
作者:  Amiri M.;  Mousavi Z.;  Atzori S.;  Khorrami F.;  Aflaki M.;  Tolomei C.;  Motaghi K.;  Salvi S.
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InSAR  Lut block  Postseismic deformation  Rigan earthquake  Southeastern Iran  
Small microplastic particles (S-MPPs) in sediments of mangrove ecosystem on the northern coast of the Persian Gulf 期刊论文
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2019, 卷号: 146
作者:  Naji A.;  Nuri M.;  Amiri P.;  Niyogi S.
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Integrative functional genomic analysis of human brain development and neuropsychiatric risks 期刊论文
Science, 2018, 卷号: 362, 期号: 6420
作者:  Li M.;  Santpere G.;  Kawasawa Y.I.;  Evgrafov O.V.;  Gulden F.O.;  Pochareddy S.;  Sunkin S.M.;  Li Z.;  Shin Y.;  Zhu Y.;  Sousa A.M.M.;  Werling D.M.;  Kitchen R.R.;  Kang H.J.;  Pletikos M.;  Choi J.;  Muchnik S.;  Xu X.;  Wang D.;  Lorente-Galdos B.;  Liu S.;  Giusti-Rodríguez P.;  Won H.;  De Leeuw C.A.;  Pardiñas A.F.;  Reimers M.A.;  Willsey A.J.;  Oldre A.;  Szafer A.;  Camarena A.;  Cherskov A.;  Charney A.W.;  Abyzov A.;  Kozlenkov A.;  Safi A.;  Jones A.R.;  Ashley-Koch AE.;  Ebbert A.;  Price A.J.;  Sekijima A.;  Kefi A.;  Bernard A.;  Amiri A.;  Sboner A.;  Clark A.;  Jaffe A.E.;  Tebbenkamp A.T.N.;  Sodt A.J.;  Guillozet-Bongaarts AL.;  Nairn A.C.;  Carey A.;  Huttner A.;  Chervenak A.;  Szekely A.;  Shieh A.W.;  Harmanci A.;  Lipska B.K.;  Carlyle B.C.;  Gregor B.W.;  Kassim B.S.;  Sheppard B.;  Bichsel C.;  Hahn C.G.;  Lee C.K.;  Chen C.;  Kuan C.L.;  Dang C.;  Lau C.;  Cuhaciyan C.;  Armoskus C.;  Mason C.E.;  Liu C.;  Slaughterbeck C.R.;  Bennet C.;  Pinto D.;  Polioudakis D.;  Franjic D.;  Miller D.J.;  Bertagnolli D.;  Lewis D.A.;  Feng D.;  Sandman D.;  Clarke D.;  Williams D.;  DelValle D.;  Fitzgerald D.;  Shen E.H.;  Flatow E.;  Zharovsky E.;  Burke E.E.;  Olson E.;  Fulfs E.;  Mattei E.;  Hadjimichael E.;  Deelman E.;  Navarro F.C.P.;  Wu F.;  Lee F.;  Cheng F.;  Goes F.S.;  Vaccarino F.M.;  Liu F.;  Hoffman G.E.;  Gürsoy G.;  Gee G.;  Mehta G.;  Coppola G.;  Giase G.;  Sedmak G.;  Johnson G.D.;  Wray G.A.;  Crawford G.E.;  Gu G.;  van Bakel H.;  Witt H.;  Yoon H.J.;  Pratt H.;  Zhao H.;  Glass I.A.;  Huey J.;  Arnold J.;  Noonan J.P.;  Bendl J.;  Jochim J.M.;  Goldy J.;  Herstein J.;  Wiseman J.R.;  Miller J.A.;  Mariani J.;  Stoll J.;  Moore J.;  Szatkiewicz J.;  Leng J.;  Zhang J.;  Parente J.;  Rozowsky J.;  Fullard J.F.;  Hohmann J.G.;  Morris J.;  Phillips J.W.;  Warrell J.;  Shin J.H.;  An J.Y.;  Belmont J.;  Nyhus J.;  Pendergraft J.;  Bryois J.;  Roll K.;  Grennan K.S.;  Aiona K.;  White K.P.;  Aldinger K.A.;  Smith K.A.;  Girdhar K.;  Brouner K.;  Mangravite L.M.;  Brown L.;  Collado-Torres L.;  Cheng L.;  Gourley L.;  Song L.;  Ubieta L.T.;  Habegger L.;  Ng L.;  Hauberg M.E.;  Onorati M.;  Webster M.J.;  Kundakovic M.;  Skarica M.;  Johnson M.B.;  Chen M.M.;  Garrett M.E.;  Sarreal M.;  Reding M.;  Gu M.;  Peters M.A.;  Fisher M.;  Gandal M.J.;  Purcaro M.;  Smith M.;  Brown M.;  Shibata M.;  Xu M.;  Yang M.;  Ray M.;  Shapovalova N.V.;  Francoeur N.;  Sjoquist N.;  Mastan N.;  Kaur N.;  Parikshak N.;  Mosqueda N.F.;  Ngo N.K.;  Dee N.;  Ivanov N.A.;  Devillers O.;  Roussos P.;  Parker P.D.;  Manser P.;  Wohnoutka P.;  Farnham P.J.;  Zandi P.;  Emani P.S.;  Dalley R.A.;  Mayani R.;  Tao R.;  Gittin R.;  Straub R.E.;  Lifton R.P.;  Jacobov R.;  Howard R.E.;  Park R.B.;  Dai R.;  Abramowicz S.;  Akbarian S.;  Schreiner S.;  Ma S.;  Parry S.E.;  Shapouri S.;  Weissman S.;  Caldejon S.;  Mane S.;  Ding S.L.;  Scuderi S.;  Dracheva S.;  Butler S.;  Lisgo S.N.;  Rhie S.K.;  Lindsay S.;  Datta S.;  Souaiaia T.;  Roychowdhury T.;  Gomez T.;  Naluai-Cecchini T.;  Beach TG.;  Goodman T.;  Gao T.;  Dolbeare T.A.;  Fliss T.;  Reddy T.E.;  Chen T.;  Brunetti T.;  Lemon T.A.;  Desta T.;  Borrman T.;  Haroutunian V.;  Spitsyna V.N.;  Swarup V.;  Shi X.;  Jiang Y.;  Xia Y.;  Chen Y.H.;  Wang Y.;  Chae Y.;  Yang Y.T.;  Kim Y.;  Riley Z.L.;  Krsnik Z.;  Deng Z.;  Weng Z.;  Lin Z.;  Hu M.;  Jin F.;  Li Y.;  Owen M.J.;  O'Donovan M.C.;  Walters J.T.R.;  Posthuma D.;  Levitt P.;  Weinberger D.R.;  Hyde T.M.;  Kleinman J.E.;  Geschwind D.H.;  Hawrylycz M.J.;  State M.W.;  Sanders S.J.;  Sullivan P.F.;  Gerstein M.B.;  Lein E.S.;  Knowles J.A.;  Sestan N.
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Transcriptome and epigenome landscape of human cortical development modeled in organoids 期刊论文
Science, 2018, 卷号: 362, 期号: 6420
作者:  Amiri A.;  Coppola G.;  Scuderi S.;  Wu F.;  Roychowdhury T.;  Liu F.;  Pochareddy S.;  Shin Y.;  Safi A.;  Song L.;  Zhu Y.;  Sousa A.M.M.;  Gerstein M.;  Crawford G.E.;  Sestan N.;  Abyzov A.;  Vaccarino F.M.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:45/0  |  提交时间:2022/01/14
Detection of homogeneous precipitation regions at seasonal and annual time scales; northwest Iran 期刊论文
Journal of Water and Climate Change, 2017, 卷号: 8, 期号: 4
作者:  Arab Amiri M.;  Mesgari M.S.;  Conoscenti C.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:41/0  |  提交时间:2020/11/23