Variability and change in the west Antarctic Peninsula marine system: Research priorities and opportunities
Henley, Sian F.1; Schofield, Oscar M.2; Hendry, Katharine R.3; Schloss, Irene R.4,5,6; Steinberg, Deborah K.7; Moffat, Carlos8; Peck, Lloyd S.9; Costa, Daniel P.10; Bakker, Dorothee C. E.11; Hughes, Claire12; Rozema, Patrick D.13; Ducklow, Hugh W.14; Abele, Doris15; Stefels, Jacqueline13; Van Leeuwe, Maria A.13; Brussaard, Corina P. D.16; Buma, Anita G. J.13; Kohut, Josh2; Sahade, Ricardo17; Friedlaender, Ari S.18,19; Stammerjohn, Sharon E.20; Venables, Hugh J.9; Meredith, Michael P.9

The west Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) region has undergone significant changes in temperature and seasonal ice dynamics since the mid-twentieth century, with strong impacts on the regional ecosystem, ocean chemistry and hydrographic properties. Changes to these long-term trends of warming and sea ice decline have been observed in the 21st century, but their consequences for ocean physics, chemistry and the ecology of the high-productivity shelf ecosystem are yet to be fully established. The WAP shelf is important for regional krill stocks and higher trophic levels, whilst the degree of variability and change in the physical environment and documented biological and biogeochemical responses make this a model system for how climate and sea ice changes might restructure highlatitude ecosystems. Although this region is arguably the best-measured and best-understood shelf region around Antarctica, significant gaps remain in spatial and temporal data capable of resolving the atmosphere-ice-ocean-ecosystem feedbacks that control the dynamics and evolution of this complex polar system. Here we summarise the current state of knowledge regarding the key mechanisms and interactions regulating the physical, biogeochemical and biological processes at work, the ways in which the shelf environment is changing, and the ecosystem response to the changes underway. We outline the overarching cross-disciplinary priorities for future research, as well as the most important discipline-specific objectives. Underpinning these priorities and objectives is the need to better define the causes, magnitude and timescales of variability and change at all levels of the system. A combination of traditional and innovative approaches will be critical to addressing these priorities and developing a co-ordinated observing system for the WAP shelf, which is required to detect and elucidate change into the future.

作者单位1.Univ Edinburgh, Sch GeoSci, James Hutton Rd, Edinburgh EH9 3FE, Midlothian, Scotland;
2.Rutgers State Univ, Dept Marine & Coastal Sci, 71 Dudley Rd, New Brunswick, NJ 08901 USA;
3.Univ Bristol, Sch Earth Sci, Queens Rd, Bristol BS8 1RJ, Avon, England;
4.Inst Antartico Argentina, Buenos Aires, DF, Argentina;
5.Ctr Austral Invest Cient, Bernardo Houssay 200,V9410CAB, Ushuaia, Argentina;
6.Univ Nacl Tierra Fuego, Ushuaia, Argentina;
7.Coll William & Mary, Virginia Inst Marine Sci, Gloucester Point, VA 23062 USA;
8.Univ Delaware, Sch Marine Sci & Policy, Newark, DE 19716 USA;
9.British Antarctic Survey, Madingley Rd, Cambridge CB3 0ET, England;
10.Univ Calif Santa Cruz, Ecol & Evolutionary Biol Dept, 100 Shaffer Rd, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 USA;
11.Univ East Anglia, Ctr Ocean & Atmospher Sci, Norwich Res Pk, Norwich NR4 7TJ, Norfolk, England;
12.Univ York, Environm Dept, York YO10 5NG, N Yorkshire, England;
13.Univ Groningen, GELIFES, Nijenborgh 7, NL-9747 AG Groningen, Netherlands;
14.Columbia Univ, Lamont Doherty Earth Observ, 61 Route 9W, Palisades, NY 10964 USA;
15.Helmholtz Ctr Polar & Marine Res, Alfred Wegener Inst, Handelshafen 12, D-27570 Bremerhaven, Germany;
16.Royal Netherlands Inst Sea Res, NL-1790 AB Den Burg, Texel, Netherlands;
17.Univ Nacl Cordoba, Inst Diversidad & Ecol Anim, Ave Velez Sarsfield 299, RA-5000 Cordoba, Argentina;
18.Oregon State Univ, Marine Mammal Inst, Newport, OR 97365 USA;
19.Oregon State Univ, Dept Fisheries & Wildlife, Newport, OR 97365 USA;
20.Univ Colorado, Inst Arctic & Alpine Res, Campus Box 450, Boulder, CO 80309 USA
GB/T 7714
Henley, Sian F.,Schofield, Oscar M.,Hendry, Katharine R.,et al. Variability and change in the west Antarctic Peninsula marine system: Research priorities and opportunities[J],2019,173:208-237.
APA Henley, Sian F..,Schofield, Oscar M..,Hendry, Katharine R..,Schloss, Irene R..,Steinberg, Deborah K..,...&Meredith, Michael P..(2019).Variability and change in the west Antarctic Peninsula marine system: Research priorities and opportunities.PROGRESS IN OCEANOGRAPHY,173,208-237.
MLA Henley, Sian F.,et al."Variability and change in the west Antarctic Peninsula marine system: Research priorities and opportunities".PROGRESS IN OCEANOGRAPHY 173(2019):208-237.
[Henley, Sian F.]的文章
[Schofield, Oscar M.]的文章
[Hendry, Katharine R.]的文章
[Henley, Sian F.]的文章
[Schofield, Oscar M.]的文章
[Hendry, Katharine R.]的文章
[Henley, Sian F.]的文章
[Schofield, Oscar M.]的文章
[Hendry, Katharine R.]的文章
