Comparative analysis of meteorological performance of coupled chemistry-meteorology models in the context of AQMEII phase 2
Brunner, Dominik1; Savage, Nicholas2; Jorba, Oriol3; Eder, Brian4; Giordano, Lea1; Badia, Alba3; Balzarini, Alessandra5; Baro, Rocio6; Bianconi, Roberto7; Chemel, Charles8; Curci, Gabriele9; Forkel, Renate10; Jimenez-Guerrero, Pedro6; Hirtl, Marcus11; Hodzic, Alma12; Honzak, Luka13; Im, Ulas14; Knote, Christoph12; Makar, Paul15; Manders-Groot, Astrid16; van Meijgaard, Erik17; Neal, Lucy2; Perez, Juan L.18; Pirovano, Guido5; San Jose, Roberto18; Schroeder, Wolfram19; Sokhi, Ranjeet S.8; Syrakov, Dimiter20; Torian, Alfreida4; Tuccella, Paolo9; Werhahn, Johannes10; Wolke, Ralf19; Yahya, Khairunnisa21; Zabkar, Rahela13,22; Zhang, Yang21; Hogrefe, Christian4; Galmarini, Stefano14

Air pollution simulations critically depend on the quality of the underlying meteorology. In phase 2 of the Air Quality Model Evaluation International Initiative (AQMEII-2), thirteen modeling groups from Europe and four groups from North America operating eight different regional coupled chemistry and meteorology models participated in a coordinated model evaluation exercise. Each group simulated the year 2010 for a domain covering either Europe or North America or both. Here were present an operational analysis of model performance with respect to key meteorological variables relevant for atmospheric chemistry processes and air quality. These parameters include temperature and wind speed at the surface and in the vertical profile, incoming solar radiation at the ground, precipitation, and planetary boundary layer heights. A similar analysis was performed during AQMEII phase 1 (Vautard et al., 2012) for offline air quality models not directly coupled to the meteorological model core as the model systems investigated here. Similar to phase 1, we found significant overpredictions of 10-m wind speeds by most models, more pronounced during night than during daytime. The seasonal evolution of temperature was well captured with monthly mean biases below 2 K over all domains. Solar incoming radiation, precipitation and PBL heights, on the other hand, showed significant spread between models and observations suggesting that major challenges still remain in the simulation of meteorological parameters relevant for air quality and for chemistry climate interactions at the regional scale. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

英文关键词Online-coupled meteorology-chemistry modeling;Model evaluation;Meteorology;AQMEII phase 2
作者单位1.Empa, Lab Air Pollut & Environm Technol, Dubendorf, Switzerland;
2.Met Off, Exeter EX1 3PB, Devon, England;
3.Barcelona Supercomp Ctr BSC CNS, Dept Earth Sci, Barcelona, Spain;
4.US EPA, Atmospher Modelling & Anal Div, Res Triangle Pk, NC 27711 USA;
5.Ric Sistema Energet RSE SpA, Milan, Italy;
6.Univ Murcia, Dept Phys, Phys Earth, E-30100 Murcia, Spain;
7.Enviroware Srl, Concorezzo, MB, Italy;
8.Univ Hertfordshire, Ctr Atmospher & Instrumentat Res, Hatfield AL10 9AB, Herts, England;
9.Univ Aquila, Ctr Excellence Forecast Severe Weather CETEMPS, Dept Phys & Chem Sci, I-67100 Laquila, Italy;
10.KIT, Inst Meteorol & Klimaforsch, Atmosphar Umweltforsch IMK IFU, D-82467 Garmisch Partenkirchen, Germany;
11.ZAMG Zent Anstalt Meteorol & Geodynam, Sect Environm Meteorol, Div Customer Serv, A-1190 Vienna, Austria;
12.Natl Ctr Atmospher Res, Boulder, CO 80307 USA;
13.Ctr Excellence SPACE SI, Ljubljana, Slovenia;
14.Commiss European Communities, Joint Res Ctr, Inst Environm & Sustainabil, I-21020 Ispra, Italy;
15.Environm Canada, Air Qual Res Sect, Atmospher Sci & Technol Directorate, Toronto, ON, Canada;
16.Netherlands Org Appl Sci Res TNO, Utrecht, Netherlands;
17.Royal Netherlands Meteorol Inst KNMI, De Bilt, Netherlands;
18.Tech Univ Madrid, Sch Comp Sci, Environm Software & Modelling Grp, Madrid 28660, Spain;
19.Leibniz Inst Tropospher Res, D-04318 Leipzig, Germany;
20.Natl Inst Meteorol & Hydrol, Sofia 1784, Bulgaria;
21.N Carolina State Univ, Dept Marine Earth & Atmospher Sci, Raleigh, NC 27695 USA;
22.Univ Ljubljana, Fac Math & Phys, Ljubljana, Slovenia
GB/T 7714
Brunner, Dominik,Savage, Nicholas,Jorba, Oriol,et al. Comparative analysis of meteorological performance of coupled chemistry-meteorology models in the context of AQMEII phase 2[J]. 美国环保署,2015,115:470-498.
APA Brunner, Dominik.,Savage, Nicholas.,Jorba, Oriol.,Eder, Brian.,Giordano, Lea.,...&Galmarini, Stefano.(2015).Comparative analysis of meteorological performance of coupled chemistry-meteorology models in the context of AQMEII phase 2.ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT,115,470-498.
MLA Brunner, Dominik,et al."Comparative analysis of meteorological performance of coupled chemistry-meteorology models in the context of AQMEII phase 2".ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT 115(2015):470-498.
[Brunner, Dominik]的文章
[Savage, Nicholas]的文章
[Jorba, Oriol]的文章
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[Jorba, Oriol]的文章
[Brunner, Dominik]的文章
[Savage, Nicholas]的文章
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