Environmental effects on genetic variance are likely to constrain adaptation in novel environments
英文摘要Adaptive plasticity allows populations to cope with environmental variation but is expected to fail as conditions become unfamiliar. In novel conditions, populations may instead rely on rapid adaptation to increase fitness and avoid extinction. Adaptation should be fastest when both plasticity and selection occur in directions of the multivariate phenotype that contain abundant genetic variation. However, tests of this prediction from field experiments are rare. Here, we quantify how additive genetic variance in a multivariate phenotype changes across an elevational gradient, and test whether plasticity and selection align with genetic variation. We do so using two closely related, but ecologically distinct, sister species of Sicilian daisy (Senecio, Asteraceae) adapted to high and low elevations on Mt. Etna. Using a quantitative genetic breeding design, we generated and then reciprocally planted c. 19,000 seeds of both species, across an elevational gradient spanning each species' native elevation, and then quantified mortality and five leaf traits of emergent seedlings. We found that genetic variance in leaf traits changed more across elevations than between species. The high-elevation species at novel lower elevations showed changes in the distribution of genetic variance among the leaf traits, which reduced the amount of genetic variance in the directions of selection and the native phenotype. By contrast, the low-elevation species mainly showed changes in the amount of genetic variance at the novel high elevation, and genetic variance was concentrated in the direction of the native phenotype. For both species, leaf trait plasticity across elevations was in a direction of the multivariate phenotype that contained a moderate amount of genetic variance. Together, these data suggest that where plasticity is adaptive, selection on genetic variance for an initially plastic response could promote adaptation. However, large environmental effects on genetic variance are likely to reduce adaptive potential in novel environments. The potential for populations to adapt rapidly to new environments will depend on the amount of genetic variation in multiple traits that make up a multidimensional phenotype. If traits are tightly correlated at the genetic level, then selection will change all traits together and adaptation will be forced into directions determined by the genetic architecture of the traits. However, genotypes can produce different phenotypes in different environments, known as plasticity. If genotypes vary in their responses to the environment, then plasticity in a novel environment could determine how much genetic variation lies in the direction of selection, and therefore the potential for rapid adaptation. We focus on two closely related sister species of Sicilian daisy (Senecio) that are native to low and high elevations on Mt. Etna. We generated and then reciprocally planted seeds of both species at four elevations on Mt. Etna, including their native habitats and two intermediate elevations. We tested how genetic variation in ecologically important leaf traits changed across elevations, and whether such changes should help or hinder rapid adaptation at the edge of species' native ranges, and in novel environments beyond their existing ranges. We found that genetic variance in leaf traits changed less between species than across elevations. Genetic variance in the high-elevation species changed most across elevations, which occurred in ways that would be likely to prevent adaptation to low elevations and, by extension, the warmer conditions being created by climate change. Genetic variance in the low-elevation species changed least across elevations and showed more potential to aid adaptation to high-elevation habitats. Together, our results show that two sister species vary in their phenotypic and genotypic responses to the environment, which suggests that closely related species can differ greatly in their potential to persist and then adapt to novel environments.
英文关键词additive genetic variance; covariance tensor; G-matrix; novel environments; phenotypic plasticity; Senecio
WOS研究方向Evolutionary Biology
WOS类目Evolutionary Biology
作者单位University of Bristol; Monash University; University of Naples Federico II; University of Catania; University of Oxford; University of London; University College London
GB/T 7714
. Environmental effects on genetic variance are likely to constrain adaptation in novel environments[J],2024,8(3).
APA (2024).Environmental effects on genetic variance are likely to constrain adaptation in novel environments.EVOLUTION LETTERS,8(3).
MLA "Environmental effects on genetic variance are likely to constrain adaptation in novel environments".EVOLUTION LETTERS 8.3(2024).
