Protist Prophets – Foraminifera as Global Bioindicators for Past and Present Coral Reef Health
Sam Purkis
项目主持机构University of Miami
英文摘要Half the world’s coral reefs have died in the last decades. Targeted intervention can reverse this demise if applied to sites well-poised for rehabilitation. The challenge is to identify which reefs will benefit from costly intervention. If naturally depauperate reefs could be distinguished from those which have been degraded by human-induced stress, restoration efforts could be focused on the latter and not on the former. This distinction can rarely be achieved via traditional coral monitoring since timeseries collected by divers are too short. A shortcut to making this separation would therefore be desirable in order to speed the pathway to restoration. Not meeting this need risks squandering conservation resources at a time when the window for saving Earth’s reefs is closing. Bioindicators are an emerging solution for understanding reef health over meaningful timescales and foraminifera (forams) show exceptional promise. These tiny-shelled protists accumulate abundantly in reefal sands and, because they preserve well, can be easily identified. Despite their excellent potential to guide reef conservation, foram bioindicators have only been examined in a limited number of sites. Their global performance therefore remains unknown and poses a critical knowledge gap. This project spans NSF’s top four societal outcomes which relate to enhanced STEM education, with a focus on women and underrepresented minorities, it answers the National Research Council’s call to expand fundamental research using the longer time perspective of the geologic record to test ecological theories at appropriate scales, and it addresses the 2018 proclamation by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that coral reefs are one of the most vulnerable ecosystems.

This project will contribute a markedly improved understanding of foram bioindicators across Earth’s major reef provinces in a single comparative study. A total of 2,500 sediment samples will be analyzed, collected from >1,000 reefs distributed on a global transect. Three Specific Aims will be pursued, to: [1] Develop a new array of location-specific foram indices capable of detecting historical reef stress. [2] Evolve an epifaunal foram index tuned to identify past coral-algal phase shifts in now healthy reef environments, and [3] Quantify the ability of the suite of foram indices to distinguish naturally depauperate reefs from those recently impacted by human activity. The project is creative and original because it departs from small-scale studies of a reef bioindicator to a systematic global assessment. The broader impact of the work will be amplified in collaboration with the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation (KSLOF), a leader in coral reef K-12 education, through the creation of cross-curricular educational materials for middle and high schoolers which will allow students to explore math and science using data generated by this project. This curriculum will be piloted in partnership with the Black Girls Dive Foundation, a non-profit that seeks to inspire and empower girls and women to engage in aquatic-based STEM activities, before being disseminated globally, at no cost, on KSLOF’s award-winning education portal.

This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
项目类型Standard Grant
GB/T 7714
Sam Purkis.Protist Prophets – Foraminifera as Global Bioindicators for Past and Present Coral Reef Health.2021.
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