RET site: Multidisciplinary Teacher Research Experience in Engineering (M-TREE)
Liat Rosenfeld
项目主持机构San Jose State University Foundation
英文摘要The SJSU-RET site will team San Jose State University (SJSU) with high schools in the San Jose area. The partner high school districts will be the ones with the largest Black and Latino student and teacher populations. The program will provide substantive, hands-on research experience for teachers in the multidisciplinary area of Renewable Energy and Sustainable Engineering, with a focus on applications in the local, Silicon Valley, industries such as semiconductor and biotech. The connection to local industries will bridge the gap currently existing in the high school curriculum allowing the students to be exposed, through their teachers' experience, to real applications of science and engineering. Within the scope of the summer research activities, teachers will have the opportunity to work in SJSU engineering labs along with SJSU engineering faculty and their graduate students on research projects designed specifically for them. The research projects touch upon concepts in biology, chemistry, physics, and computer electronics ensuring wide applicability to K-12 curricula and compatibility with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The teachers will also develop curricular units, hands-on experimental modules and curriculum development activities that will be incorporated in their classrooms during the following school year. Teachers will receive support for the development of the curricular modules during one-on-one and group weekly sessions, over the summer, with a SJSU Teacher/Science Education faculty. The program will be supported by weekly seminars from industry and academic professionals and group activities such as field trips to local, Silicon Valley, companies. During the subsequent school year, the teachers will pilot the curricular units in their classrooms, with the help of SJSU faculty, and will submit an impact report that describes how the lessons worked, proposed modifications or enhancements, number and demographics of students impacted, assessment results, and teaching practice change impacts.

Over a three-year period, the SJSU-RET Site will offer an intensive summer research program for a total of 30 high-school STEM teachers from schools in underserved San Jose neighborhoods with socially, economically, racially, and ethnically diverse student bodies. Planned research projects include: biofuel production, production of antioxidants from biocatalysts, production of sustainable and safe lithium-ion batteries, carbon capture to combat climate change and circuit analysis and optimization in hand-held devices. Project plans include:
conduct novel, hands-on, research at SJSU laboratories under the guidance of engineering faculty and graduate students; develop curricular units to enhance understanding of basic concepts in STEM education for high school students aligned with NGSS, under the guidance of SJSU Science-Education faculty; expose the teachers to the various engineering industries in the area via tours to local Silicon Valley companies and presentations from industry leaders; create opportunities for SJSU faculty and graduate students to visit teachers’ classrooms and interact with students in order to develop tools to bridge the gap between the high school curriculum and college level courses, making the transition easier for the students; form a long-term collaboration through which teachers and their students interact with SJSU faculty to promote STEM engagement.

This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
项目类型Standard Grant
GB/T 7714
Liat Rosenfeld.RET site: Multidisciplinary Teacher Research Experience in Engineering (M-TREE).2022.
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