P2C2: Collaborative Research: Transient forcing of the Local Last Glacial Maximum in the tropical Peruvian Andes
Bryan Mark
项目主持机构Ohio State University
英文摘要The geological history of tropical glaciers can provide scientists an important perspective from the past on how Earth’s climate system responds to human activity. This project will look to the geological record of tropical glaciers in the Andes Mountains for a perspective on past changes in the glacial ice extent and how these changes may relate to records of changes in the atmospheric conditions during periods of abrupt climate change. These records of glacial activity will help place the current state of rapidly retreating ice margins in the tropics in a longer-term context that extends well beyond the instrumental record. Finally, by integrating multiple archives of past climates and modeling the causes of tropical high elevation climate changes, this work will improve our understanding of abrupt global climate changes because these regions had much larger glaciers in the past. By determining ages on the rocks that were transported by the ancient glaciers and combining analyses of lake sediments deposited continuously below the glaciers, this research will provide a detailed record of how much the glaciers changed and when. The research team will incorporate climate model simulations to test the causes of tropical climate changes and how they relate to high latitude warming and cooling events. This project will train 3 graduate students, and at least 4 undergraduate students. The project team will improve K-12 science education and engagement by exposing teachers and students (both local and abroad) to research through the GLOBE program (Global Learning and Observation to Benefit the Environment). The team also will partner with INAIGEM in Peru to broaden project impact, and help with the mission of educational capacity building.

This project will evaluate tropical glacial variability during the local Last Glacial Maximum (LLGM) to better understand how low latitude temperature variability and the hydrologic cycle were modulated by ocean and atmospheric processes. This research has the following objectives: 1) determine robust ages of moraines using terrestrial cosmogenic radionuclide (TCN) dating methods to provide information about both the timing and extent of multiple LLGM ice limits; 2) rigorously evaluate centennial-scale records of glacial flour flux using high-resolution geochemical archives from the recently acquired Lake Junín drill-core record; 3) test the scale and climatic forcing of LLGM climate variability using climate model simulations; 4) test the scale of LLGM glacier variability responses to climatic forcing using energy and mass-balance models. This research will produce multi-proxy, centennial-scale records of mountain glaciation in Peru spanning the LLGM, at a scale and resolution that has not yet been achieved. This resolution will be sufficient to make comparisons with ice cores from Greenland, Antarctica, and the tropical Andes, as well as decadal-scale speleothem-based stable isotope records of hydroclimate changes from the same (Lake Junín) catchment. This will allow for a collective evaluation of mountain glacier archives and other regional records of past atmospheric variability that will improve our understanding of the role of the tropics in abrupt global change events on millennial timescales. These records will provide insight on the sensitivity of tropical glaciers to a range of climate conditions, both atmospheric and oceanic, and particularly how the tropical climate system responds to meltwater forcing. Ultimately, these records will inform how the tropical hydrologic cycle drives glacial-interglacial cycles in both the low and high latitudes.

This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
项目类型Standard Grant
GB/T 7714
Bryan Mark.P2C2: Collaborative Research: Transient forcing of the Local Last Glacial Maximum in the tropical Peruvian Andes.2020.
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