Deep-water depositional systems supplied by shelf-incising submarine canyons: Recognition and significance in the geologic record
Fisher W.L.; Galloway W.E.; Steel R.J.; Olariu C.; Kerans C.; Mohrig D.
英文摘要It is well established that sedimentary margins grow by sediments bypassing through shelf- and slope-incising canyons onto the basin floor and by sediments being deposited incrementally across clinoforming and prograding margins. However, we argue that these two distinctive types of deep-water sediment supply to the basin floor and to the margin are generally not operating at the same time and should not be seen as integral parts of a single model. When shelf-incising canyons were actively bypassing sediments across the margin, the margin itself was not prograding, and vice versa. We present stratigraphic data for some 111 global examples of shelf- and slope-incising canyons and their linked basin-floor sediments, and we provide criteria to distinguish them from prograding margins fed by shelf-edge deltas and their linked slope channels and toe-of-slope fans. The defining character of the canyon feeding system is basin-floor sediment aggradation and the onlapping of this stratigraphy against an eroded basin margin. For many of our examples this onlap persists for millions to tens of millions of years and is especially prolonged in periods of persistent high eustatic sea level. This is in clear contrast to the downlapping stratigraphy that dominates during intervals of high sediment supply from the shelf, and active margin accretion. Some 60% of the ancient canyon/basin-floor fan systems are inferred to have been sourced by canyons tapping longshore drift in littoral cells; they are inferred because with canyon capture, tapped littoral cells are generally depleted and not preserved. In other cases, shelf-incising canyons tapped documented deltas on the inner or middle shelf, but in some other cases, a deltaic or riverine source was inferred. Canyon cutting and initial sediment bypass through the canyons are chiefly associated with initially ‘out-of-grade’ margins—for example, where a carbonate margin has foundered and oversteepened or where large-scale collapse of aggradational and oversteepened clastic shelf edges occurred. Canyon feeding onto the basin floor is linked with runout of basin-floor fans to the basin center, in contrast to direct-fed prograding margins, where sediment is continuously partitioned onto and across the entire shelf-edge, slope, and toe-of-slope areas. © 2021 Elsevier B.V.
关键词Basin-floor fan systemsCanyon captureCanyon-fed submarine fansContinuing and ongoing canyon/fan systemsDeep basinal depositsDirect-fed submarine fansDownlapped canyon/fan systemsIncluding modern systemsMarine flooded shelvesOnlap wedgeShelf- and slope-incising submarine canyonsSlope fan systemsToe-of-slope fan systems
英文关键词deep sea; depositional environment; eustacy; marine sediment; shelf sea; submarine canyon; submarine fan
来源期刊Earth Science Reviews
作者单位Department of Geological Sciences, John A. and Katherine G. Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 2275 Speedway, Stop C9000, Austin, TX 78712-1722, United States; Institute for Geophysics, John A. and Katherine G. Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 10100 Burnet Road (R2200), Austin, TX 78758-4445, United States
GB/T 7714
Fisher W.L.,Galloway W.E.,Steel R.J.,et al. Deep-water depositional systems supplied by shelf-incising submarine canyons: Recognition and significance in the geologic record[J],2021,214.
APA Fisher W.L.,Galloway W.E.,Steel R.J.,Olariu C.,Kerans C.,&Mohrig D..(2021).Deep-water depositional systems supplied by shelf-incising submarine canyons: Recognition and significance in the geologic record.Earth Science Reviews,214.
MLA Fisher W.L.,et al."Deep-water depositional systems supplied by shelf-incising submarine canyons: Recognition and significance in the geologic record".Earth Science Reviews 214(2021).
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