2020 Ocean Global Change Biology 2020 GRC/GRS
Gretchen Hofmann (Principal Investigator)
项目主持机构Gordon Research Conferences
英文摘要Understanding global change biology in the oceans is a major area of focus in marine sciences. The scope and intensity of global change biology in oceans demands an interdisciplinary approach to research, and the field brings together scientists from a diverse range of disciplines, including physical, chemical and biological oceanography, along with evolution and ecology. Historically, it has been challenging to bring together this community at a single meeting, however, since the inaugural meeting of the Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Ocean Global Change Biology in 2014, and subsequent meetings in 2016 and 2018, an unparalleled opportunity for the community to meet in a retreat-like setting to share cutting- edge work has been created. To date, the Ocean Global Change Biology GRCs have been very successful with excellent attendance and contributions, particularly from early career scientists, and have catalyzed international research, education, and outreach initiatives. This project supports partial funding for 20 U.S. graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to attend the 2020 GRC and Gordon Research Seminar on Ocean Global Change Biology, at the Waterville Valley Conference Center in Waterville Valley, NH on July 19-24, 2020.

This meeting will facilitate the sharing of new results and the integration of ideas and approaches across disciplines, often using unpublished data and ideas. The 2020 conference will build on the fast-moving topics that have emerged during the three previous meetings through 9 sessions over the 5-day conference. These include the need leverage our use paleo models and analogue environments, expanding our view of multistressor changes to include top-down processes and deoxygenation, building an understanding of the roles of environmental fluctuations, connecting physiological, ecological and evolutionary responses through non-genetic inheritance, understanding the role of intraspecific variation, challenges in understanding the impact of environmental changes over different life histories, and challenges associated with tropicalization. Since this will be the fourth meeting of the ocean global change biology community, we will also take stock of how far we have come since ~2014, with a focus on how our research is being used for conservation or policy action, and setting priorities for how to improve outward-facing engagement going forward. The 2020 GRC program includes invited speakers and discussion leaders that span a range of backgrounds and career stages, from postdoctoral fellows who are putting fresh ideas forward, to established researchers who provide a broad perspective. The program prioritizes facilitating interaction across disciplines, nationalities, and career stages. Funding the 2020 GRC on Ocean Global Change Biology supports U.S scientists in attending a diverse meeting of present and future international leaders in ocean global change biology, where ideas can be discussed, research directions advanced, and priorities for multidisciplinary collaborations refined. These meetings are well attended by researchers from other countries, thus allowing U.S. scientists to fully participate in and develop international collaborations and be at the forefront of new initiatives. The GRC and Gordon Research Seminar also provides training and mentoring for students and postdoctoral researchers, and an invaluable early-career networking opportunity. More generally, the GRC will advance the communication skills and insights of the U.S. scientists during the meeting.

This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
学科分类08 - 地球科学;0806 - 海洋科学
项目类型Standard Grant
GB/T 7714
Gretchen Hofmann .2020 Ocean Global Change Biology 2020 GRC/GRS.2020.
[Gretchen Hofmann (Principal Investigator)]的文章
[Gretchen Hofmann (Principal Investigator)]的文章
[Gretchen Hofmann (Principal Investigator)]的文章
