Using R in hydrology: A review of recent developments and future directions
Slater L.J.; Thirel G.; Harrigan S.; Delaigue O.; Hurley A.; Khouakhi A.; Prosdocimi I.; Vitolo C.; Smith K.
英文摘要The open-source programming language R has gained a central place in the hydrological sciences over the last decade, driven by the availability of diverse hydro-meteorological data archives and the development of open-source computational tools. The growth of R's usage in hydrology is reflected in the number of newly published hydrological packages, the strengthening of online user communities, and the popularity of training courses and events. In this paper, we explore the benefits and advantages of R's usage in hydrology, such as the democratization of data science and numerical literacy, the enhancement of reproducible research and open science, the access to statistical tools, the ease of connecting R to and from other languages, and the support provided by a growing community. This paper provides an overview of a typical hydrological workflow based on reproducible principles and packages for retrieval of hydro-meteorological data, spatial analysis, hydrological modelling, statistics, and the design of static and dynamic visualizations and documents. We discuss some of the challenges that arise when using R in hydrology and useful tools to overcome them, including the use of hydrological libraries, documentation, and vignettes (long-form guides that illustrate how to use packages); the role of integrated development environments (IDEs); and the challenges of big data and parallel computing in hydrology. Lastly, this paper provides a roadmap for R's future within hydrology, with R packages as a driver of progress in the hydrological sciences, application programming interfaces (APIs) providing new avenues for data acquisition and provision, enhanced teaching of hydrology in R, and the continued growth of the community via short courses and events. © Author(s) 2019.
scopus关键词Application programming interfaces (API); Curricula; Data acquisition; Meteorology; Open access; Open source software; Statistical mechanics; Computational tools; Dynamic visualization; Hydrological modelling; Integrated development environment; Meteorological data; Open-source programming; Reproducible research; Statistical tools; Hydrology; data acquisition; democratization; future prospect; hydrological modeling; hydrology; hydrometeorology; linear programing; parallel computing; research method; visualization; Apis
来源期刊Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
作者单位Slater, L.J., School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford, Oxford, OX1 3QY, United Kingdom; Thirel, G., HYCAR Research Unit, IRSTEA, 1 Rue Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, Antony, 92160, France; Harrigan, S., Forecast Department, European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), Shinfield Park, Reading, RG2 9AX, United Kingdom; Delaigue, O., HYCAR Research Unit, IRSTEA, 1 Rue Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, Antony, 92160, France; Hurley, A., School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, B15 2TT, United Kingdom; Khouakhi, A., School of Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering, Loughborough University, Loughborough, LE11 3TU, United Kingdom; Prosdocimi, I., Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics, Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Venice, 30172, Italy; Vitolo, C., Forecast Department, European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), Shinfield Park, Reading, RG2 9AX, United Kingdom; Smith, K., Centre for Ecolo...
GB/T 7714
Slater L.J.,Thirel G.,Harrigan S.,et al. Using R in hydrology: A review of recent developments and future directions[J],2019,23(7).
APA Slater L.J..,Thirel G..,Harrigan S..,Delaigue O..,Hurley A..,...&Smith K..(2019).Using R in hydrology: A review of recent developments and future directions.Hydrology and Earth System Sciences,23(7).
MLA Slater L.J.,et al."Using R in hydrology: A review of recent developments and future directions".Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 23.7(2019).
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