Meteorological effects on 30-years-grown Pinus taeda under a gradient of crown thinning intensities in southern Brazil
Dobner M.; Jr; Campoe O.C.
英文摘要Pinus taeda plantations are an important economic activity in southern Brazil, where edaphoclimatic conditions are optimal. Understanding how meteorological conditions influence tree growth is important in such a favorable environment for reaching high growth rates and for predicting tree growth responses to climate change. The study was designed to evaluate the influence of meteorological variables on 30 years of radial growth of P. taeda trees subjected to different crown thinning intensities in southern Brazil. In total, 9280 measurements of ring width and age were evaluated. Residual chronologies were obtained according to standard dendrochronology techniques. Correlation was calculated between chronologies and meteorological variables, and thus the direction and magnitude of the relationship between meteorology and growth was addressed. Results indicated that, accounting for the whole year, meteorological conditions show no particular influence on the radial growth of Pinus taeda trees in the studied region. The exception was the vapor pressure deficit, with a significant and negative correlation with the radial growth of trees at all thinning intensities. When considering seasons, several consistent correlations were detected. Rainfall during winter, previously or at the end of the growing season, was positively correlated with the radial growth of trees at all thinning intensities. A consistent negative correlation between minimum and maximum temperature during winter and the radial growth of trees shows that P. taeda in southern Brazil, regardless of thinning intensity, benefit from colder winters in general and, particularly, from colder days during winter. Although temperature increases in the highlands of southern Brazil, as a result of global warming, may not render the cultivation of P. taeda unfeasible, they may restrict or shift the region of optimum growth as well as require changes in the genetic material. Results also suggest that high-intensity thinning may increase the influence of temperature on growth pattern of the stands. © 2019 Elsevier B.V.
英文关键词Dendrochronology; Dendroclimatology; Loblolly pine; Rainfall; Temperature
scopus关键词Cultivation; Economics; Global warming; Rain; Temperature; Dendrochronology; Dendroclimatology; Loblolly pine; Meteorological condition; Meteorological effects; Meteorological variables; Negative correlation; Vapor pressure deficit; Forestry; agrometeorology; canopy architecture; coniferous tree; dendrochronology; dendroclimatology; economic activity; growth response; plantation forestry; rainfall; seasonality; thinning; Cultivation; Economics; Forestry; Pinus Taeda; Rain; Temperature; Brazil; Pinus taeda
来源期刊Forest Ecology and Management
作者单位Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), Departamento de Agricultura, Biodiversidade e Florestas, Caixa Postal: 101, Curitibanos, Santa Catarina CEP: 89.520-000, Brazil; Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA), Departamento de Ciências Florestais, Caixa Postal: 3037, Lavras, Minas Gerais CEP: 37.200-000, Brazil
GB/T 7714
Dobner M.,Jr,Campoe O.C.. Meteorological effects on 30-years-grown Pinus taeda under a gradient of crown thinning intensities in southern Brazil[J],2019,453.
APA Dobner M.,Jr,&Campoe O.C..(2019).Meteorological effects on 30-years-grown Pinus taeda under a gradient of crown thinning intensities in southern Brazil.Forest Ecology and Management,453.
MLA Dobner M.,et al."Meteorological effects on 30-years-grown Pinus taeda under a gradient of crown thinning intensities in southern Brazil".Forest Ecology and Management 453(2019).
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[Campoe O.C.]的文章
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[Campoe O.C.]的文章
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