Latest Pleistocene glacial and climate history of the Wasatch Range; Utah
Quirk B.J.; Moore J.R.; Laabs B.J.C.; Plummer M.A.; Caffee M.W.
英文摘要The geologic record of mountain glaciation is one of the most sensitive archives of terrestrial climate change during the late Quaternary Period. Pleistocene glacial deposits are exceptionally well preserved in the Great Basin of North America where they are found in close proximity to shoreline deposits of coeval paleo-lakes, representing a unique opportunity to investigate paleoclimate change using both hydrologic systems. Mountain glaciers advanced across much of the Wasatch Range, Utah during the same general time interval when Lake Bonneville expanded in the adjacent Bonneville Basin. Here we present a range-wide Latest Pleistocene glacial history for the Wasatch Range based on 22 new and 41 recalculated cosmogenic 10Be surface exposure ages, and reconstruct glaciers and climate for the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and Lateglacial periods. Our results indicate three distinct, range-wide phases of glaciation in the Wasatch including the Pinedale 1 (ca. 21–20 ka), Pinedale 2 (ca. 17.5 ka) and Pinedale 3 (ca. 15 ka). Our modeling results indicate that the Pinedale 1 advance, near the end of the global LGM, was primarily driven by decreased annual temperatures with little to no change in precipitation as compared to modern. Wasatch glaciers appear to have reoccupied near maximum positions after the end of the LGM during the Pinedale 2, responding to increased precipitation in concert with rising lake levels across Western North America, and then retreated from ice-distal positions near ca. 17.5 ka. Wasatch glaciers occupied recessional positions at approximately half their maximum lengths during Pinedale 3 until ca. 15 ka, followed by rapid (i.e. several millennia) deglaciation. Our glacial chronologies establish that Wasatch glaciers responded synchronously across the range to global and regional climate forcings during the Latest Pleistocene. The new Wasatch glacial chronology, combined with global glacial chronologies and paleoclimate proxies from Western North America, suggest glacier change was driven by a combination of long-term global temperature forcing as well as regional to local modifications in precipitation. © 2020 Elsevier Ltd
英文关键词Cosmogenic isotopes; Geomorphology; Glaciation; Glacier modeling; Great basin; Latest pleistocene; Paleoclimatology; Utah; Wasatch; Western north America
scopus关键词Climate change; Deposits; Lakes; Annual temperatures; Glacial chronology; Global temperatures; Last Glacial Maximum; Paleoclimate change; Paleoclimate proxy; Pleistocene glacial deposits; Surface exposure age; Glacial geology; chronology; climate variation; glacial history; glaciation; Last Glacial Maximum; paleoclimate; Pleistocene; regional climate; Bonneville Basin; Great Basin; Great Salt Lake; Rocky Mountains; United States; Utah; Wasatch Range
来源期刊Quaternary Science Reviews
作者单位Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112, United States; Department of Geosciences, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003, United States; Department of Geosciences, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 68102, United States; Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory, Idaho Falls, ID 83415, United States; Department of Physics and Astronomy, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47905, United States; Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47905, United States
GB/T 7714
Quirk B.J.,Moore J.R.,Laabs B.J.C.,et al. Latest Pleistocene glacial and climate history of the Wasatch Range; Utah[J],2020,238.
APA Quirk B.J.,Moore J.R.,Laabs B.J.C.,Plummer M.A.,&Caffee M.W..(2020).Latest Pleistocene glacial and climate history of the Wasatch Range; Utah.Quaternary Science Reviews,238.
MLA Quirk B.J.,et al."Latest Pleistocene glacial and climate history of the Wasatch Range; Utah".Quaternary Science Reviews 238(2020).
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