China's global power: Estimating Chinese foreign direct investment in the electric power sector
Li Z.; Gallagher K.P.; Mauzerall D.L.
Date Issued2020
Other AbstractWe analyze the spatial and technological distribution of China's overseas electric power investments around the world, and the pollution intensity of Chinese coal fired power plants relative to those held by non-Chinese entities. We find that Chinese firms hold approximately $115 billion USD in electric power assets globally, with an average of 73% ownership stake in a total capacity of 81 GW. Chinese power investments span the globe but are largely found in developing countries, particularly in Asia and Latin America. The vast majority of Chinese investment goes to coal (24.5 GW), gas (20.5 GW) and hydropower (18.1 GW), while the share of wind (7.2 GW) and solar (3.1 GW) is relatively small but may be rising. The energy mix of Chinese overseas investment is similar to the existing world portfolio. Within the coal sector, between 2011 and 2017, the majority of Chinese greenfield investment in coal used supercritical technologies (58 percent) while only 34 percent of non-Chinese coal plants built during this period were supercritical. © 2019 Elsevier Ltd
enkeywordsChina; Electric power sector; Foreign direct investment; Fossil fuel; Renewable energy
scopus keywordsCoal; Developing countries; Electric power distribution; Electric power plants; Fossil fuel power plants; Fossil fuels; China; Electric power assets; Electric power sector; Foreign direct investments; Greenfield investment; Overseas investments; Renewable energies; Supercritical technology; Investments; alternative energy; coal-fired power plant; electrical power; foreign direct investment; fossil fuel; China
journalEnergy policy
Document Type期刊论文
AffiliationWoodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University, PrincetonNJ 08544, United States; Global Development Policy Center, Boston University, Boston, MA, United States; Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Princeton, NJ 08544, United States
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GB/T 7714
Li Z.,Gallagher K.P.,Mauzerall D.L.. China's global power: Estimating Chinese foreign direct investment in the electric power sector[J],2020,136.
APA Li Z.,Gallagher K.P.,&Mauzerall D.L..(2020).China's global power: Estimating Chinese foreign direct investment in the electric power sector.Energy policy,136.
MLA Li Z.,et al."China's global power: Estimating Chinese foreign direct investment in the electric power sector".Energy policy 136(2020).
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