Greenhouse gas emission reduction potential and cost of bioenergy in British Columbia, Canada
Wang H.; Zhang S.; Bi X.; Clift R.
Date Issued2020
Other AbstractThe Canadian province of British Columbia (BC) provides an informative case study of bioenergy development, because it relies heavily on fossil fuels but has enormous bioenergy potential. We have examined the potential contribution of bioenergy to reducing BC's GHG emissions. The approach of combining life cycle assessment and economic evaluation to prioritize options should be applicable generally. Biomass availability, including forestry resources, agricultural waste and municipal solid waste, is estimated. Through simplified Life Cycle Assessment, GHG reduction potential of biogas, bioethanol, biofuels from hydrothermal liquefaction, and district heating are quantified, along with the associated GHG reduction costs. The analysis shows that existing biomass resources could yield 110–176 PJ per year, reducing GHG emissions by 13.0–15.7%. Bioenergy from waste streams is already cost-effective and should be prioritized in the short term. However, bioenergy from forestry resources, especially conversion to liquid biofuels, is prohibitively expensive, with GHG reduction cost exceeding CAD $300/t CO2-eq. The total extra cost required to achieve full utilization of BC's biomass resources is estimated as 0.8–2.4 billion dollars. To close the cost gaps between bioenergy and fossil fuels, both technological improvement and external cost adjustment through measures like carbon taxation will be needed. © 2020 Elsevier Ltd
enkeywordsBioenergy; Economic assessment; GHG abatement costs; Greenhouse gas reduction; Life cycle assessment
scopus keywordsAgricultural wastes; Bioethanol; Biomass; Cost effectiveness; Emission control; Forestry; Fossil fuels; Greenhouse gases; Life cycle; Municipal solid waste; Natural resources; Taxation; Timber; Bio-energy; Economic assessments; GHG abatements; Greenhouse gas reductions; Life Cycle Assessment (LCA); Cost reduction; abatement cost; bioenergy; economic analysis; emission control; environmental economics; greenhouse gas; life cycle analysis; British Columbia; Canada
journalEnergy policy
Document Type期刊论文
AffiliationDepartment of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of British Columbia, 2360 East Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z3, Canada; Clean Energy Research Centre, University of British Columbia, 2360 East Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z3, Canada; Centre for Environment and Sustainability, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 7XH, United Kingdom
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Wang H.,Zhang S.,Bi X.,et al. Greenhouse gas emission reduction potential and cost of bioenergy in British Columbia, Canada[J],2020,138.
APA Wang H.,Zhang S.,Bi X.,&Clift R..(2020).Greenhouse gas emission reduction potential and cost of bioenergy in British Columbia, Canada.Energy policy,138.
MLA Wang H.,et al."Greenhouse gas emission reduction potential and cost of bioenergy in British Columbia, Canada".Energy policy 138(2020).
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