The interplay of landscape composition and configuration: new pathways to manage functional biodiversity and agroecosystem services across Europe
Martin E.A.; Dainese M.; Clough Y.; Báldi A.; Bommarco R.; Gagic V.; Garratt M.P.D.; Holzschuh A.; Kleijn D.; Kovács-Hostyánszki A.; Marini L.; Potts S.G.; Smith H.G.; Al Hassan D.; Albrecht M.; Andersson G.K.S.; Asís J.D.; Aviron S.; Balzan M.V.; Baños-Picón L.; Bartomeus I.; Batáry P.; Burel F.; Caballero-López B.; Concepción E.D.; Coudrain V.; Dänhardt J.; Diaz M.; Diekötter T.; Dormann C.F.; Duflot R.; Entling M.H.; Farwig N.; Fischer C.; Frank T.; Garibaldi L.A.; Hermann J.; Herzog F.; Inclán D.; Jacot K.; Jauker F.; Jeanneret P.; Kaiser M.; Krauss J.; Le Féon V.; Marshall J.; Moonen A.-C.; Moreno G.; Riedinger V.; Rundlöf M.; Rusch A.; Scheper J.; Schneider G.; Schüepp C.; Stutz S.; Sutter L.; Tamburini G.; Thies C.; Tormos J.; Tscharntke T.; Tschumi M.; Uzman D.; Wagner C.; Zubair-Anjum M.; Steffan-Dewenter I.
英文摘要Managing agricultural landscapes to support biodiversity and ecosystem services is a key aim of a sustainable agriculture. However, how the spatial arrangement of crop fields and other habitats in landscapes impacts arthropods and their functions is poorly known. Synthesising data from 49 studies (1515 landscapes) across Europe, we examined effects of landscape composition (% habitats) and configuration (edge density) on arthropods in fields and their margins, pest control, pollination and yields. Configuration effects interacted with the proportions of crop and non-crop habitats, and species’ dietary, dispersal and overwintering traits led to contrasting responses to landscape variables. Overall, however, in landscapes with high edge density, 70% of pollinator and 44% of natural enemy species reached highest abundances and pollination and pest control improved 1.7- and 1.4-fold respectively. Arable-dominated landscapes with high edge densities achieved high yields. This suggests that enhancing edge density in European agroecosystems can promote functional biodiversity and yield-enhancing ecosystem services. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons Ltd/CNRS
英文关键词Agroecology; arthropod community; biological control; edge density; pest control; pollination; response trait; semi-natural habitat; trait syndrome; yield
scopus关键词Arthropoda; agriculture; animal; biodiversity; crop; ecosystem; Europe; pollination; Agriculture; Animals; Biodiversity; Crops, Agricultural; Ecosystem; Europe; Pollination
来源期刊Ecology Letters
作者单位Department of Animal Ecology and Tropical Biology, Biocenter, University of Würzburg, Am Hubland, Würzburg, 97074, Germany; Institute for Alpine Environment, Eurac Research, Viale Druso 1, Bozen/Bolzano, 39100, Italy; Centre for Environmental and Climate Research, Lund University, Lund, 22362, Sweden; MTA Centre for Ecological Research, Institute for Ecology and Botany, Lendület Ecosystem Services Research Group, Alkotmány u. 2-4Vácrátót 2163, Hungary; Department of Ecology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, SE-750 07, Sweden; Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Dutton ParkQLD, Australia; Centre for Agri-Environmental Research, School of Agriculture, Policy and Development, Reading UniversityRG6 6AR, United Kingdom; Plant Ecology and Nature Conservation Group, Wageningen University, Droevendaalsesteeg 3, Wageningen, 6708PB, Netherlands; DAFNAE, University of Padova, Viale dell'Università 16Legnaro (Padova) 35020, Italy; UMR 6553 Ecobio, CNRS, Université de R...
GB/T 7714
Martin E.A.,Dainese M.,Clough Y.,et al. The interplay of landscape composition and configuration: new pathways to manage functional biodiversity and agroecosystem services across Europe[J],2019,22(7).
APA Martin E.A..,Dainese M..,Clough Y..,Báldi A..,Bommarco R..,...&Steffan-Dewenter I..(2019).The interplay of landscape composition and configuration: new pathways to manage functional biodiversity and agroecosystem services across Europe.Ecology Letters,22(7).
MLA Martin E.A.,et al."The interplay of landscape composition and configuration: new pathways to manage functional biodiversity and agroecosystem services across Europe".Ecology Letters 22.7(2019).
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