A Retrospective, Iterative, Geometry-Based (RIGB) tilt correction method for radiation observed by Automatic Weather Stations on snow-covered surfaces: Application to Greenland
Wang W.; Zender C.S.; Van As D.; Smeets P.C.J.P.; Van Den Broeke M.R.
英文摘要Surface melt and mass loss of the Greenland Ice Sheet may play crucial roles in global climate change due to their positive feedbacks and large fresh water storage. With few other regular meteorological observations available in this extreme environment, measurements from Automatic Weather Stations (AWS) are the primary data source for studying surface energy budgets, and for validating satellite observations and model simulations. Station tilt, due to irregular surface melt and/or compaction, causes considerable biases in the AWS shortwave radiation measurements. In this study, we identify tilt-induced biases in the climatology of surface shortwave radiative flux and albedo, and retrospectively correct these by iterative application of solar geometric principles. We found, over all the AWS from the Greenland Climate Network (GC-Net), the Kangerlussuaq transect (K-transect) and the Programme for Monitoring of the Greenland Ice Sheet (PROMICE) networks, insolation on fewer than 40 % of clear days peaks within ±0.5 h of solar noon time, with the largest shift exceeding 3 h due to tilt. Hourly absolute biases in the magnitude of surface insolation can reach up to 200 W m-2. We estimate the tilt angles and their directions based on the solar geometric relationship between the simulated insolation at a horizontal surface and the observed insolation by these tilted AWS under clear-sky conditions. Our adjustment reduces the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) against references from both satellite observation and reanalysis by ∼ 20W W m-2, and raises the correlation coefficients with them to above 0.95. Averaged over the whole Greenland Ice Sheet in the melt season, the adjustment in insolation to compensate station tilt is 18 ± 13 W m-2, enough to melt 0.40 ± 0.29 m of snow water equivalent. The adjusted diurnal cycles of albedo are smoother, with consistent semi-smiling patterns. The seasonal cycles and inter-annual variabilities of albedo agree better with previous studies. This tilt-corrected shortwave radiation dataset derived using the Retrospective, Iterative, Geometry-Based (RIGB) method provide more accurate observations and validations for surface energy budgets studies on the Greenland Ice Sheet, including albedo variations, surface melt simulations and cloud radiative forcing estimates. © Author(s) 2015.
学科领域albedo; geometry; insolation; mass balance; measurement method; meteorology; numerical model; radiation balance; radiative forcing; satellite data; satellite imagery; snow cover; snow water equivalent; surface energy; weather station; Arctic; Greenland; Greenland Ice Sheet
scopus关键词albedo; geometry; insolation; mass balance; measurement method; meteorology; numerical model; radiation balance; radiative forcing; satellite data; satellite imagery; snow cover; snow water equivalent; surface energy; weather station; Arctic; Greenland; Greenland Ice Sheet
来源期刊Cryosphere Discussions
作者单位Department of Earth System Science, University of California, Irvine, CA, United States; Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS), Copenhagen, Denmark; Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research, Utrecht University (UU/IMAU), Utrecht, Netherlands
GB/T 7714
Wang W.,Zender C.S.,Van As D.,et al. A Retrospective, Iterative, Geometry-Based (RIGB) tilt correction method for radiation observed by Automatic Weather Stations on snow-covered surfaces: Application to Greenland[J],2015,9(6).
APA Wang W.,Zender C.S.,Van As D.,Smeets P.C.J.P.,&Van Den Broeke M.R..(2015).A Retrospective, Iterative, Geometry-Based (RIGB) tilt correction method for radiation observed by Automatic Weather Stations on snow-covered surfaces: Application to Greenland.Cryosphere Discussions,9(6).
MLA Wang W.,et al."A Retrospective, Iterative, Geometry-Based (RIGB) tilt correction method for radiation observed by Automatic Weather Stations on snow-covered surfaces: Application to Greenland".Cryosphere Discussions 9.6(2015).
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