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Application of high-throughput plant phenotyping for assessing biophysical traits and drought response in two oak species under controlled environment 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 465
作者:  Mazis A.;  Choudhury S.D.;  Morgan P.B.;  Stoerger V.;  Hiller J.;  Ge Y.;  Awada T.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:46/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/28
Aspect ratio  Drought  Seed  Vegetation  Gas exchange  HyperSpectral  Multi-spectral  Quercus  Tree improvement  Vegetation index  Forestry  assessment method  biophysics  deciduous tree  drought resistance  environmental conditions  forest management  gas exchange  growing season  growth and development  morphology  phenotype  seedling  spectral analysis  sustainable development  vegetation index  Drought  Forestry  Growth Rate  Plants  Quercus  Seedlings  Throughput  Germany  Quercus  Quercus bicolor  Quercus prinoides  
Seedling growth and survival responses to multiple soil properties in subtropical forests of south China 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 474
作者:  Martini F.;  Xia S.-W.;  Zou C.;  Goodale U.M.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:39/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/28
Deforestation  Land use  Nutrients  Reforestation  Tropics  Abiotic conditions  Available phosphorus  Available potassiums  Exchangeable base cations  Levels of analysis  Soil characteristics  Species distributions  Subtropical forests  Soils  abiotic factor  climate change  deforestation  growth  seedling  soil nutrient  soil property  subtropical region  survival  Deforestation  Growth  Land Use  Nutrients  Reforestation  Soil  Survival  Tropics  China  
Deer browsing and shrub competition set sapling recruitment height and interact with light to shape recruitment niches for temperate forest tree species 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 467
作者:  Walters M.B.;  Farinosi E.J.;  Willis J.L.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:33/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/28
Population statistics  Advance regenerations  Browsing pressures  Canopy disturbance  Light availability  Management regime  Seedling mortality  Ungulate browsing  White-tailed deer  Reforestation  browsing  competition (ecology)  deer  gap dynamics  growth rate  height  light availability  mortality  population structure  recruitment (population dynamics)  regeneration  sapling  shrub  temperate forest  Competition  Growth  Height  Light  Mortality  Recruitment  Reforestation  Trees  Michigan  United States  Cervidae  Odocoileus virginianus  Ungulata  
Morphological and physiological plasticity in seedlings of Araucaria angustifolia and Cabralea canjerana is related to plant establishment performance in the rainforest 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 460
作者:  Olguin F.Y.;  Moretti A.P.;  Pinazo M.;  Gortari F.;  Vera Bahima J.;  Graciano C.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:29/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/28
Conservation  Forestry  Physiology  Plants (botany)  Restoration  Acclimation  Atlantic forest  Ecological restoration  ESPIid  Phenotypic plasticity  Reaction norm  Shade tolerance  Seed  acclimation  dicotyledon  growth  morphology  native species  phenotypic plasticity  rainforest  reaction norm  restoration ecology  seedling  seedling establishment  shade tolerance  Conservation  Forestry  Growth Rate  Light  Physiology  Plasticity  Restoration  Atlantic Forest  Araucaria angustifolia  
The effect of overwood competition on the long-term survival, growth and stocking of underplanted tree species in logged tropical rainforest in north Queensland, Australia 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 472
作者:  Quang P.M.;  Baynes J.;  Herbohn J.
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Biodiversity  Conservation  Essential oils  Productivity  Seed  Tropics  Ecological functioning  Enrichment plantings  Flindersia brayleyana  Forest restoration  Planting experiments  Silvicultural treatments  Survival and growth  Tropical rain forest  Forestry  basal area  biodiversity  competition (ecology)  ecosystem function  environmental restoration  forest management  growth rate  overstory  rainforest  seedling  selective logging  silviculture  survival  tree planting  tropical forest  wood  Biodiversity  Conservation  Forestry  Productivity  Tropics  Australia  Black Basin [Queensland]  Queensland  Acacia aulacocarpa  Agathis robusta  Araucariaceae  Flindersia brayleyana  Rutaceae  
Does stump removal reduce pine weevil and other damage in Norway spruce regenerations? – Results of a 12-year monitoring period 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 465
作者:  Piri T.;  Viiri H.;  Hyvönen J.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:33/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/28
Animals  Ecosystems  Health  Investments  Plants (botany)  Reforestation  Heterobasidion  Hylastes spp  Hylobius abietis  Mounding  Picea abies  Stump harvesting  Harvesting  beetle  bioenergy  coniferous tree  forest ecosystem  forest management  growth rate  logging (timber)  pest damage  quantitative analysis  regeneration  seedling  stand structure  survival  Animals  Ecosystems  Harvesting  Health  Picea Abies  Reforestation  Coleoptera  Heterobasidion  Hylastes  Hylobius abietis  Muridae  Picea  Picea abies  
Are photosynthetic leaf traits related to the first-year growth of tropical tree seedlings? A light-induced plasticity test in a secondary forest enrichment planting 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 460
作者:  dos Santos V.A.H.F.;  Ferreira M.J.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:42/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/28
Economic and social effects  Light absorption  Photosynthesis  Plants (botany)  Plasticity testing  Tropics  Amazon  Biochemical limitations  Fluorescence parameters  Photosynthetic traits  Silvicultural treatments  Stomatal conductance  Trade off  Tropical tree species  Forestry  absorption  biomass  growth  growth response  interception  mortality  photosynthesis  secondary forest  seedling establishment  silviculture  survival  testing method  trade-off  tree  understory  Forestry  Growth  Light Absorption  Photosynthesis  Plasticity  Slope  Trees  Tropics  Amazonia  
Linking leaf-level morphological and physiological plasticity to seedling survival and growth of introduced Canadian sugar maple to elevated precipitation under warming 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 457
作者:  Zhu Y.;  Chen C.;  Guo Y.;  Fu S.;  Chen H.Y.H.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:31/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/28
Climate change  Forestry  Physiology  Plants (botany)  Plasticity  Precipitation (meteorology)  Principal component analysis  Extreme precipitation events  Leaf traits  Mean annual precipitation  Mean annual temperatures  Non-structural carbohydrates  Seedling growth  Species introductions  Sugar maple  Seed  biochemical composition  deciduous tree  ecophysiology  global warming  growth response  leaf morphology  phenotypic plasticity  precipitation intensity  seedling  survival  Acer Saccharum  Forestry  Growth  Physiology  Plasticity  Precipitation  Survival  Canada  China  Manitoba  Ontario [Canada]  Quebec [Canada]  Acer  Acer saccharum  
Stories from common gardens: Water shortage differentially affects Nothofagus pumilio from contrasting precipitation regimes 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 458
作者:  Ignazi G.;  Bucci S.J.;  Premoli A.C.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:32/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/28
Climate change  Drought  Ecology  Forestry  Population statistics  Water supply  Ecophysiology  Environmental conditions  Homogeneous conditions  Marginal populations  Phenotypic variations  Precipitation gradients  Precipitation regimes  Water deficits  Plants (botany)  climate change  cultivation  deciduous forest  deciduous tree  ecophysiology  environmental conditions  garden  growth rate  marginalization  precipitation (climatology)  seedling  water stress  water use efficiency  Drought  Ecology  Forestry  Nothofagus Pumilio  Patagonia  Precipitation  Stresses  Water Supply  Andes  Argentina  Chile  Patagonia  Nothofagus pumilio  
Successful seedling establishment of arbuscular mycorrhizal-compared to ectomycorrhizal-associated hardwoods in arbuscular cedar plantations 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 468
作者:  Seiwa K.;  Negishi Y.;  Eto Y.;  Hishita M.;  Masaka K.;  Fukasawa Y.;  Matsukura K.;  Suzuki M.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:28/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/28
Forestry  Fungi  Hardwoods  Arbuscular mycorrhizal  Arbuscular mycorrhizas  Conifer plantations  Cryptomeria japonica  Mycorrhizal fungus  Seedling establishment  Seedling recruitment  Species composition  Seed  arbuscular mycorrhiza  colonization  coniferous forest  dicotyledon  ectomycorrhiza  growth  plantation forestry  seedling emergence  seedling establishment  wood  Forestry  Fungi  Hardwoods  Plantations  Recruitment  Seedlings  Type  Alnus hirsuta var. sibirica  Castanea crenata  Coniferophyta  Cornus controversa  Cryptomeria japonica  Fungi  Quercus serrata