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Variation in resin flow among Maritime pine populations: Relationship with growth potential and climatic responses 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 474
作者:  Zas R.;  Touza R.;  Sampedro L.;  Lario F.J.;  Bustingorri G.;  Lema M.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:31/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/28
Forestry  Plants (botany)  Population statistics  Defensive mechanism  Environmental conditions  Environmental heterogeneity  Non-timber forest products  Relative contribution  Renewable resource  Sources of variation  Temporal and spatial  Resins  climate effect  coniferous forest  exploitation  forest management  forest product  growth response  knowledge  nontimber forest product  renewable resource  resin  Flow  Forestry  Growth  Pinus Pinaster  Production  Sites  Tapping  Atlantic Ocean  Iberian Peninsula  Spain  Coniferophyta  Pinus pinaster  
Genetic parameters and genotype × environment interaction in Pinus taeda clonal tests 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 474
作者:  Braga R.C.;  Paludeto J.G.Z.;  Souza B.M.;  Aguiar A.V.;  Pollnow M.F.M.;  Carvalho A.G.M.;  Tambarussi E.V.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:42/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/28
Cloning  Diameter-at-breast heights  Environmental characteristic  Genetic parameters  Genotypic correlations  Highly-correlated  Relative performance  Southeast United States  Third generation  Forestry  coniferous tree  genetic analysis  genotype  genotype-environment interaction  testing method  Averages  Brazil  Clones  DBH  Forestry  Sites  Volume  Brazil  United States  Coniferophyta  Pinus taeda  
Topographic variation in tree group and gap structure in Sierra Nevada mixed-conifer forests with active fire regimes 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 472
作者:  Ng J.;  North M.P.;  Arditti A.J.;  Cooper M.R.;  Lutz J.A.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:29/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/28
Fires  Topography  Ecological characteristics  Forest structure  Forest treatment  Sierra Nevada mixed conifers  Species composition  Thinning treatment  Topographic positions  Topographic slope  Forestry  coniferous forest  ecosystem resilience  heterogeneity  overstory  shade tolerance  spatial analysis  stand structure  thinning  topographic effect  wildfire  Clumps  Fires  Forestry  Forests  Patterns  Resilience  Topography  Trees  Sierra Nevada  Coniferophyta  
Nutrient supply and belowground interaction alter responses to CO2 elevation in black spruce and white spruce 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 472
作者:  Dang Q.-L.;  Marfo J.;  Du F.;  Newaz M.S.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:38/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/28
Biomass  Ecology  Forestry  Nutrients  Photosynthesis  Biological factors  Biomass allocation  Carbon dioxide concentrations  Interactive effect  Nutrient availability  Photosynthetic response  Plant communities  Seedling biomass  Carbon dioxide  belowground biomass  biomass allocation  carbon dioxide  coniferous forest  elevation  nutrient availability  nutrient dynamics  physiology  plant community  seedling  Biomass  Carbon Dioxide  Ecology  Forestry  Nutrients  Photosynthesis  Coniferophyta  Picea glauca  Picea mariana  
Silvicultural options for rehabilitating high-graded mixedwood stands in northeastern North America 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 466
作者:  Raymond P.;  Prévost M.;  Roy V.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:17/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/28
Conservation  Hardwoods  Quality control  Recovery  Active restoration  Degraded forests  Forest rehabilitation  Mixedwood  Red spruce  Regeneration methods  Reforestation  clearcutting  coniferous forest  coniferous tree  degradation  density  environmental restoration  experimental study  forestry practice  regeneration  selective logging  silviculture  stand structure  understory  wood quality  Conservation  Hardwoods  Picea Rubens  Quality Control  Recovery  Reforestation  Canada  Quebec [Canada]  Abies balsamea  Betula alleghaniensis  Coniferophyta  Picea glauca  Picea rubens  
Long-term response of forest bird communities to retention forestry in northern temperate coniferous forests 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 462
作者:  Price K.;  Daust K.;  Lilles E.;  Roberts A.-M.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:28/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/28
Biodiversity  Birds  Ecosystems  Harvesting  Timber  Bird community compositions  Community similarity  Coniferous forests  Habitat preferences  Harvested stands  Landscape corridors  Retention forestries  Species abundance  Forestry  abundance  biodiversity  bird  clearcutting  community composition  community dynamics  coniferous forest  forest ecosystem  forestry  heterogeneity  landscape  shrub  temperate forest  Biodiversity  Birds  Control Systems  Ecosystems  Forestry  Harvesting  Patterns  Retention  Aves  Certhia americana  Coniferophyta  Hexapoda  Troglodytinae  
Identifying opportunities for the use of broadcast prescribed fire on Colorado's Front Range 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 458
作者:  Addington R.N.;  Tavernia B.G.;  Caggiano M.D.;  Thompson M.P.;  Lawhon J.D.;  Sanderson J.S.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:17/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/28
Conservation  Ecology  Forestry  Fuels  Hazards  Restoration  Water resources  Forest restoration  Fuel treatments  Mixed-conifer forests  Ponderosa pines  Wildfire hazards  Fires  coniferous forest  landownership  multicriteria analysis  prescribed burning  private land  restoration ecology  risk perception  vegetation type  wildfire  Conservation  Ecology  Forestry  Fuels  Hazards  Restoration  Front Range  Coniferophyta  
A comparative assessment of the vertical distribution of forest components using full-waveform airborne, discrete airborne and discrete terrestrial laser scanning data 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 473
作者:  Crespo-Peremarch P.;  Fournier R.A.;  Nguyen V.-T.;  van Lier O.R.;  Ruiz L.Á.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:27/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/28
Electromagnetic wave backscattering  Forestry  Laser applications  Object detection  Scanning  Vegetation  Airborne Laser scanning  Backscattered signal  Comparative assessment  Mediterranean forest  Terrestrial laser scanning  Understory vegetation  Vertical distributions  Vertical profile  Surveying instruments  airborne survey  assessment method  boreal forest  comparative study  coniferous tree  laser method  lidar  satellite data  understory  vegetation type  vertical distribution  Data  Density  Distribution  Forestry  Plants  Reduction  Scanning  Mediterranean Region  Coniferophyta  
Changes in soil organic carbon and total nitrogen as affected by primary forest conversion 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 463
作者:  Gao F.;  Cui X.;  Sang Y.;  Song J.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:19/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/28
Aggregates  Magnesium  Minerals  Nitrogen  Organic carbon  Reforestation  Soil quality  Stability  Accurate estimation  Carbon stability  Heterotrophic respiration  Primary forest  Soil organic carbon  Stability indicators  Stability indices  Total nitrogen  Soil pollution  afforestation  carbon sequestration  coniferous tree  fine root  forest floor  organic carbon  primary succession  respiration  secondary forest  soil aggregate  soil nitrogen  soil organic matter  Conversion  Magnesium  Minerals  Nitrogen  Reforestation  Soil  Stability  Trees  China  Heilongjiang  Liangshui Nature Reserve  Coniferophyta  
Airborne-laser-scanning-derived auxiliary information discriminating between broadleaf and conifer trees improves the accuracy of models for predicting timber volume in mixed and heterogeneously structured forests 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 459
作者:  Bont L.G.;  Hill A.;  Waser L.T.;  Bürgi A.;  Ginzler C.;  Blattert C.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:24/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/28
Biodiversity  Climate change  Ecosystems  Laser applications  Mean square error  Regression analysis  Remote sensing  Scanning  Timber  Airborne Laser scanning  Best-fit models  Canopy Height Models  Forest inventory  Forest type  Mixed and heterogeneously structured forest  Ordinary least squares regressions  Point cloud  Timber volume  Forestry  accuracy assessment  biodiversity  broad-leaved forest  climate change  coniferous tree  ecosystem service  error analysis  forest ecosystem  forest inventory  regression analysis  remote sensing  timber  Biodiversity  Ecosystems  Forestry  Regression Analysis  Remote Sensing  Scanning  Switzerland  Coniferophyta