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The economic impact of global change on fishing and non-fishing households in the Tonle Sap ecosystem, Pursat, Cambodia 期刊论文
FISHERIES RESEARCH, 2019, 卷号: 210, 页码: 71-80
作者:  Teh, Louise S. L.;  Bond, Natachia;  Krishna, K. C.;  Fraser, Evan;  Seng, Ratha;  Sumaila, U. Rashid
收藏  |  浏览/下载:200/0  |  提交时间:2019/10/08
Tonle Sap Cambodia  Livelihoods  Lake fisheries  Economic analysis  Vulnerability  
Should I stay or should I go? Fishers' ability and willingness to adapt to environmental change in Cambodia's Tonle Sap Lake 期刊论文
FISHERIES MANAGEMENT AND ECOLOGY, 2019, 卷号: 26, 期号: 3, 页码: 211-223
作者:  Bahadur, Krishna K. C.;  Seng, Ratha;  Fraser, Evan
收藏  |  浏览/下载:24/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/07