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Both high and low dispersal? Apparently contradictory genetic patterns in the Antarctic littorinid gastropod Laevilacunaria antarctica 期刊论文
作者:  Gonzalez-Wevar, Claudio A.;  Poveda, Yarleth;  Segovia, Nicolas I.;  Rosenfeld, Sebastian;  Maturana, Claudia S.;  Jeldres, Vanessa;  Schmider-Martinez, Andreas;  Gerard, Karin;  Spencer, Hamish G.;  Poulin, Elie
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Towards a Mechanistic Understanding of Precipitation Over the Far Eastern Tropical Pacific and Western Colombia, One of the Rainiest Spots on Earth 期刊论文
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2021, 卷号: 126, 期号: 5
作者:  Mejía J.F.;  Yepes J.;  Henao J.J.;  Poveda G.;  Zuluaga M.D.;  Raymond D.J.;  Fuchs-Stone Ž.
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Undermining Colombia’s peace and environment 期刊论文
Science, 2021, 卷号: 373, 期号: 6552
作者:  Salazar A.;  Salazar J.F.;  Sánchez-Pacheco S.J.;  Sanchez A.;  Lasso E.;  Villegas J.C.;  Arias P.A.;  Poveda G.;  Rendón Á.M.;  Uribe M.R.;  Pérez J.C.;  Dukes J.S.
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Agriculturally dominated landscapes reduce bee phylogenetic diversity and pollination services 期刊论文
Science, 2019, 卷号: 363, 期号: 6424
作者:  Grab H.;  Branstetter M.G.;  Amon N.;  Urban-Mead K.R.;  Park M.G.;  Gibbs J.;  Blitzer E.J.;  Poveda K.;  Loeb G.;  Danforth B.N.
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Forest restoration: Transformative trees 期刊论文
Science, 2019, 卷号: 366, 期号: 6463
作者:  Sheil D.;  Bargués-Tobella A.;  Ilstedt U.;  Ibisch P.L.;  Makarieva A.;  McAlpine C.;  Morris C.E.;  Murdiyarso D.;  Nobre A.D.;  Poveda G.;  Spracklen D.V.;  Sullivan C.A.;  Tuinenburg O.A.;  van der Ent R.J.
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Scaling properties reveal regulation of river flows in the Amazon through a "forest reservoir" 期刊论文
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2018, 卷号: 22, 期号: 3
作者:  Salazar J.F.;  Villegas J.C.;  Rendón A.M.;  Rodríguez E.;  Hoyos I.;  Mercado-Bettín D.;  Poveda G.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:56/0  |  提交时间:2021/01/06