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Reconstruction of Holocene oceanographic conditions in eastern Baffin Bay 期刊论文
Climate of the Past, 2020, 卷号: 16, 期号: 3
作者:  Hansen K.E.;  Giraudeau J.;  Wacker L.;  Pearce C.;  Seidenkrantz M.-S.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:36/0  |  提交时间:2020/11/23
Atmospheric science: Amplification of surface temperature trends and variability in the tropical atmosphere 期刊论文
Science, 2005, 卷号: 309, 期号: 5740
作者:  Santer B.D.;  Wigley T.M.L.;  Mears C.;  Wentz F.J.;  Klein S.A.;  Seidel D.J.;  Taylor K.E.;  Thorne P.W.;  Wehner M.F.;  Gleckler P.J.;  Boyle J.S.;  Collins W.D.;  Dixon K.W.;  Doutriaux C.;  Free M.;  Fu Q.;  Hansen J.E.;  Jones C.S.;  Ruedy R.;  Karl T.R.;  Lanzante J.R.;  Meehl C.A.;  Ramaswamy V.;  Russell G.;  Schmidt G.A.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:49/0  |  提交时间:2022/01/14