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Spatial patterns of tumour growth impact clonal diversification in a computational model and the TRACERx Renal study 期刊论文
Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2022, 卷号: 6, 期号: 1
作者:  Fu X.;  Zhao Y.;  Lopez J.I.;  Rowan A.;  Au L.;  Fendler A.;  Hazell S.;  Xu H.;  Horswell S.;  Shepherd S.T.C.;  Spencer C.E.;  Spain L.;  Byrne F.;  Stamp G.;  O’Brien T.;  Nicol D.;  Augustine M.;  Chandra A.;  Rudman S.;  Toncheva A.;  Furness A.J.S.;  Pickering L.;  Kumar S.;  Koh D.-M.;  Messiou C.;  Dafydd D.;  Orton M.R.;  Doran S.J.;  Larkin J.;  Swanton C.;  Sahai E.;  Litchfield K.;  Turajlic S.;  Ben Challacombe;  Chowdhury S.;  Drake W.;  Fernando A.;  Fotiadis N.;  Hatipoglu E.;  Harrison-Phipps K.;  Hill P.;  Horsfield C.;  Marafioti T.;  Olsburgh J.;  Polson A.;  Quezada S.;  Varia M.;  Verma H.;  Bates P.A.;  on behalf of the TRACERx Renal Consortium
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Selection of metastasis competent subclones in the tumour interior 期刊论文
Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2021, 卷号: 5, 期号: 7
作者:  Zhao Y.;  Fu X.;  Lopez J.I.;  Rowan A.;  Au L.;  Fendler A.;  Hazell S.;  Xu H.;  Horswell S.;  Shepherd S.T.C.;  Spain L.;  Byrne F.;  Stamp G.;  O’Brien T.;  Nicol D.;  Augustine M.;  Chandra A.;  Rudman S.;  Toncheva A.;  Pickering L.;  Sahai E.;  Larkin J.;  Bates P.A.;  Swanton C.;  Turajlic S.;  Challacombe B.;  Chowdhury S.;  Drake W.;  Fernando A.;  Fotiadis N.;  Furness A.;  Hatipoglu E.;  Harrison-Phipps K.;  Hill P.;  Horsfield C.;  Marafioti T.;  Olsburgh J.;  Polson A.;  Quezada S.;  Varia M.;  Verma H.;  Litchfield K.;  TRACERx Renal Consortium
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Species traits and climate velocity explain geographic range shifts in an ocean-warming hotspot 期刊论文
Ecology Letters, 2015, 卷号: 18, 期号: 9
作者:  Sunday J.M.;  Pecl G.T.;  Frusher S.;  Hobday A.J.;  Hill N.;  Holbrook N.J.;  Edgar G.J.;  Stuart-Smith R.;  Barrett N.;  Wernberg T.;  Watson R.A.;  Smale D.A.;  Fulton E.A.;  Slawinski D.;  Feng M.;  Radford B.T.;  Thompson P.A.;  Bates A.E.
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Defining and observing stages of climate-mediated range shifts in marine systems 期刊论文
Global Environmental Change, 2014, 卷号: 26, 期号: 1
作者:  Bates A.E.;  Pecl G.T.;  Frusher S.;  Hobday A.J.;  Wernberg T.;  Smale D.A.;  Sunday J.M.;  Hill N.A.;  Dulvy N.K.;  Colwell R.K.;  Holbrook N.J.;  Fulton E.A.;  Slawinski D.;  Feng M.;  Edgar G.J.;  Radford B.T.;  Thompson P.A.;  Watson R.A.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:33/0  |  提交时间:2020/03/12