Award-Winning Photojournalism and Other News of the Week  科技资讯
时间:2019-10-17   作者: AGU  来源:[美国] EOS

What Earth and space science stories are we recommending this week?



The Decision-Makers’ Guide to Clean Energy.

A panorama of the AGU building lobby
The main lobby of the newly renovated AGU headquarters building. Credit: Beth Bagley, AGU

Two geosciences-related topics here: the ramifications of research into solar energy storage methods that involve injecting large amounts of heated fluids into underground rock formations (see fracking earthquakes), and a sidebar on the renovation of the AGU headquarters building.
—Nancy McGuire, Contract Editor


Winners: SEJ 18th Annual Awards for Reporting on the Environment. The Society of Environmental Journalists (SEJ) has announced the winners of its annual awards for reporting on the environment. There’s lots of excellent reporting recognized here, including Reuters’ “Ocean Shock” series that looks at risks to the oceans from climate change, overfishing, and other threats. Other reporting focused, for instance, on the Flint, Mich., water crisis; activists risking their lives to stand up against mining interests in the Philippines; and climate politics.

Randy Showstack, Staff Writer


2019 Earth Science Week Photo Competition Winners.

Looking for a quick pick-me-up? Check out this collection of stunning Earth science–themed photographs. I wish competitions like this were held every day!
Timothy Oleson, Science Editor


Artemis Spacesuits Before Artemis Spacecraft.

NASA announced two prototypes of the updated spacesuit going to the Moon. The New York Times makes a good point: “In addition to updated spacesuits, the agency does not currently have a spacecraft capable of landing on the Moon.” As Artemis moves forward, it’s important to remember that NASA already had a plan to land on the Moon in 2028, but it was forced to halve its timeline.

Kimberly Cartier, Staff Writer


Deforestation Could Exacerbate Drought in the Amazon.

Satellite image of grids of development in the Amazon rain forest
The fish bone pattern of small clearings along new roads is the beginning of one of the common deforestation trajectories in the Amazon. Credit: NASA

In addition to decreasing the Amazon’s capacity as a carbon sink, loss of rain forest also decreases the amount of moisture it contributes to the atmosphere, because the pastures and fields that replace the forest have higher temperatures and lower evapotranspiration rates. “Ultimately, the effects of water flux in the Amazon will ripple beyond the rain forest and around the world,” the author writes.

Faith Ishii, Production Manager


Plant “Takes” Botanical World’s First Selfie in London Zoo Experiment and Using Old Cellphones to Listen for Illegal Loggers.

Two stories in innovative instrument building to guard the planet’s forests: A camera powered by a plant’s waste energy could give scientists a new way to monitor remote rain forests. And 200 old cell phones, hoisted into treetops, powered by small solar panels, and harnessing an artificial intelligence software are now pinpointing the sound of chainsaws and other signs of deforestation.

Heather Goss, Editor in Chief


Watch the #PNW Coastline Rebuild over a 6-Year Period After the World’s Largest Dam Removal.

This is mesmerizing! It’s hard not to give a dam about sedimentation loss after watching this….
Jenessa Duncombe, Staff Writer


Climate Visualizations Are Fun.

There are so many great ways to communicate the climate crisis, from spirals to stripes to hockey sticks. These are a handful of clever ways to incorporate pop culture, too.
Caryl-Sue, Managing Editor


Citation: AGU (2019), Award-winning photojournalism and other news of the week, Eos, 100, Published on 17 October 2019.
Text © 2019. AGU. CC BY-NC-ND 3.0
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