Thomas S Bateman: Psychology and climate change: Some need-to-knows  科技资讯
时间:2023-10-15   来源:[美国] Daily Climate
Responsibility and Agency

We can identify who is most and least responsible for the climate plight we now find ourselves in. But who is—and who feels—responsible for putting things right?

Responsibility for past actions is one thing; responsibility for the future is another. What theory calls “felt responsibility" is a key influence on whether and how people will take action on problems and other challenges.

Justice will be served if those who contribute(d) most to climate problems act responsibly and pay the highest cost. But that won't solve the problem; too few people, organizations, and governments would help enough to reverse global heating. We will attain our best future only if all who are capable accept some responsibility for participating substantially in the cause.

Human agency is strong enough to secure a climate future that is not much worse than what we experience now. We have 100% agency in that we know what to do, know how to do it, and are fully capable of doing it starting now. But we do not have agency if we believe we can't, don't try, or try half-heartedly and give up prematurely.

