Moky Makura: How to sell climate action to Africa  科技资讯
时间:2022-06-06   来源:[美国] Daily Climate

In the past two decades, Africa has attracted only 2% of the billions of dollars of global renewable-energy investment and less than 3% of the jobs generated in this growing sector. Increasing these numbers will require African governments to create an investment-friendly environment, negotiate more effectively to attract firms, and insist that they create local jobs and offer technical assistance to build the continent’s clean-energy capacity.

Likewise, young Africans demonstrating for change should be holding up placards calling on their governments to provide “climate jobs” and “climate opportunities” rather than expecting them to “save the planet.” They should be pushing policymakers to attract the large-scale investments needed to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions significantly and create the conditions for environmental entrepreneurship to flourish.

A robust green sector can give Africa the economic levers it needs to help more people live better, not just in economic terms but also in terms of energy access. We won’t need to rely on outdated energy-distribution systems owned by governments that lack the finances or the incentive to invest in extending the grid to everyone. Renewables provide the continent with the opportunity to leapfrog old systems and embrace new, decentralized ways of providing cheap, reliable energy for all.

Africa has made a similar leap forward in mobile telecommunications. The first mobile call on the continent was made in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1987. Today, Africa is the world’s fastest-growing mobile-telecom market and the second-largest mobile market behind Asia. In just 35 years, the sector has connected over a half-billion people, created thousands of jobs, and given rise to successful indigenous companies. Thanks to new technology, cheaper infrastructure and handsets, competitive markets, an enabling regulatory environment, and business models designed for the mass market, Africa avoided the challenge of building fixed-line infrastructure.

What mobile technology did for Africa can be replicated in the climate sector, and we do not need to wait for the continent’s cash-strapped governments and the private sector to find the money. Instead, we should push the climate-reparations agenda harder. There is money available, and the countries that have repeatedly broken their promises to provide financial assistance – the United States, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, and most European Union member states – should pay their debts.

So, let’s not talk about climate disaster or crises anymore, but rather about climate opportunities in the forms of jobs, entrepreneurship, and financing. And, like the shoe salesman who saw massive opportunity where his colleague saw none, let us rethink our approach to marketing climate action to Africans.

