'Conservation' proposal for SW Wyoming would limit large energy projects  科技资讯
时间:2023-10-04   来源:[美国] Daily Climate

Conservation, that s what s driving that particular alternative, Wyoming BLM spokesman Brad Purdy told WyoFile. So there would be less development overall. 

Rights-of-way, Purdy continued, that s how we [permit] solar. It s how we do roads, how we do power lines. I think all of those types of things would be impacted.

The proposed rights-of-way exclusion areas take into account conservation values weighed against marginal energy yield opportunities in yet-to-be-developed areas, according to the BLM. Legislative leaders, however, say it s another example of the agency s failure to find a balance that doesn t harm Wyoming s bedrock industries.

The BLM s preferred conservation plan places the interests of the people of this state in peril and ought to be removed from consideration, Senate President Ogden Driskill (R-Devils Tower) and House Speaker Albert Sommers (R-Pinedale) wrote in a Sept. 28 letter to BLM Rock Springs Field Office Manager Kimberlee Foster.

They re also asking for a 120-day extension for public comments. Currently, the deadline to submit comments on the draft EIS is Nov. 16.

Gov. Mark Gordon has called for a complete withdrawal of the draft environmental document, describing the BLM s proposal as a federal fiat.

Meantime, BLM officials say whatever the agency puts forward as its preferred alternative in the final draft early next year will likely be modified.

I m going to beat the drum, Purdy said. The range of [all four] alternatives is going to remain on the table throughout the entire process. If you think when you open up that final [EIS] in several months and it s just going to be [Alternative B] again, I don t think the public comment is really going to allow that to happen.

Conservation vs. industrial expansion 

A close examination of where the 2.5 million acres of rights-of-way exclusion areas are drawn suggests a recognition of marginal development opportunities, particularly for wind, solar and geothermal energy, according to Wyoming Outdoor Council Energy and Climate Policy Director John Burrows. 

There are simply higher-value wind resources in other areas of the state, Burrows said, while the preferred alternative still allows for adequate growth in both wind and solar development where industrial infrastructure already exists — primarily along the Interstate 80 corridor. The proposed exclusion areas, he noted, mostly encompass large areas of the northern and southern portions of the management area, where there s little to no existing industrial infrastructure.

This map depicts Wyoming wind resources. (U.S. Department of Energy)
