Labor and environmental groups have learned to get along. Here’s the organization in the middle  科技资讯
时间:2023-08-03   来源:[美国] Daily Climate

So yes, there is a pay gap. And we ve put out the data showing it in black and white. And it s why all of our environmental partners joined with all of our labor partners to demand, in the context of crafting and then advancing and passing the inflation Reduction Act, that the strongest possible labor standards be attached to that spending. We were and still are—because the law hasn t fully kicked in yet—seeing significant gaps in wages between workers in renewable energy sectors and workers and fossil fuel sectors. And that s a big problem. It s an equity problem, and it is a political problem. And we certainly can t expect workers to accept the necessity of this transition if their jobs are going away, or they re getting other jobs in clean energy sectors that pay less and offer less voice on the job and security on the job. So, our push for clean energy investments with strong labor and equity standards was an enormous unifier. Within our coalition, all of our environmental groups stood shoulder to shoulder with our labor groups. There was pushback from industry on those standards, but at the end of the day, we got it done. And so we now have for clean energy tax credits, for the first time ever, within the inflation Reduction Act, prevailing wage standards and registered apprenticeship utilization standards for all utility scale, green energy projects that are incentivized by these tax credits. That is a big deal. And it s a story of how our environmental and labor groups banded together to recognize we ve got a problem here and we need to solve it with public policy.

