Manitoba silica sand mine sparks fear and debate on green energy  科技资讯
时间:2023-04-21   来源:[美国] Daily Climate
when news broke that photojournalist Amber Bracken had been arrested by the RCMP while reporting for The Narwhal from Wet suwet en territory in northwestern B.C.

Soon they would put me in handcuffs and take my cameras from me, Amber said. After that they would take my rights.

As a small, non-profit news organization, we didn t want to take one of the most powerful organizations in our country to court. Ultimately, we realized we had no other choice because an absence of journalism leaves us all in the dark.

We wouldn t be able to take this stand for press freedom or send journalists like Amber to cover critically important environmental stories without the ongoing support of thousands of members like you who make The Narwhal possible.
