Wuppertal Institute's Response to "Hothouse Earth"  科技资讯
时间:2018-08-22   来源:[德国] 伍珀塔尔研究所

Wuppertal Institute's Response to "Hothouse Earth"

New book promotes "future literacy" as a way of navigating the imminent change processes

  • Press Releases 22.08.2018
The book Die Große Transformation – Eine Einführung in die Kunst gesellschaftlichen Wandels (The Great Transformation – an introduction to the art of social change) has been available to buy since 22 August 2018. Source: Wuppertal Institute/A. Riesenweber

The heatwave in the past few months has put the issue of climate change back on the political agenda with renewed vigour. New scientific studies even refer to the dawning of a period known as "Hothouse Earth" and make it clear that this can only be averted through radical political, economic and social changes. In a new book entitled "Die Große Transformation" (The Great Transformation), the Wuppertal Institute shows how this can be accomplished.

The Wuppertal Institute is calling for a radical new perspective on the subject of change processes, advocating the need for the sustainability shift to become a creative and artistic project. It centres on a new form of "future literacy" (Zukunftskunst) that makes us want to change and also does not shy away from the big critical questions such as the future of our economic system. This places new demands on policy makers, businesses, the scientific community, environmental organisations, churches and trade unions.
In their book, "Die Große Transformation", President of the Wuppertal Institute, Professor Uwe Schneidewind, and his team explain what form these new responsibilities could take. They also describe how the energy and resource transition could be achieved just as successfully as a fundamental transformation of our cities, our transport systems and our food supply. "With this book, we want to encourage politicians, civil society, businesses and every single one of us to become future literate," stresses Schneidewind.

Book tour launches with Federal Environment Minister Svenja Schulze

The book aims to stimulate discussion about the transition to sustainable development at a time when the issue seems to be overshadowed by other challenges in the political debate. A series of events with a range of stakeholders has therefore been arranged to highlight selected themes from the new book.

Svenja Schulze, German Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMU), has invited all interested parties to an expert panel discussion on subjects relating to environmental policy at 1 p.m. on 25 August 2018 at the Environment Ministry in Berlin to coincide with the Federal Government’s open day. In a "future dialogue" with Svenja Schulze, Uwe Schneidewind will discuss the question 'Do we need change? If so, how much?' and present the book addressing the subject of the "Great Transformation".

Press release

Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie gGmbH

Responsible for content: Professor Uwe Schneidewind, President

Contact: Christin Hasken, Head of Communications and Public Relations

Tel.: +49 202 2492-187

Fax: +49 202 2492-108


Printable pictures

"Die Große Transformation" book cover

The Great Transformation
Professor Uwe Schneidewind, President of the Wuppertal Institute, wants to encourage politicians, civil society, businesses and every individual to become future literate. Source: Wuppertal Institute/A. Riesenweber

