Rising seas, flooding may put 1.54M people in Manila City at risk by 2030 - report  科技资讯
时间:2021-07-01   来源:[美国] Daily Climate

Manila, one of the most congested cities in the world, is especially vulnerable to flooding events compounded by sea level rise.

Studies suggested that sea level in Manila Bay is rising by 13.24 millimeters per year, and Metro Manila is sinking by a rate of 10 centimeters annually as a consequence of rapid extraction of groundwater due to population growth and urbanization.

The Greenpeace report also analyzed the impacts of sea level rise and coastal flooding on other economic centers in Asia that are located on or close to the coast such as Hong Kong, Taipei, Seoul, Tokyo, Jakarta and Bangkok.

Across the seven cities, including Manila, a total of 15 million individuals live on vulnerable land. 

The analysis is one of the first of its kind to use high spatial resolution data to suggest areas of each city that could potentially face inundation. It also takes into account land area, population, and GDP.

The scenario used in the report is business as usual greenhouse gas emissions projections.

2030 projections for the impact of sea level rise and flooding on GDP, population and affected areas of seven cities Greenpeace
