Task force seeks to include nature in financial decision making  科技资讯
时间:2020-09-19   作者: Vanessa Lim Singh  来源:[国际] WWF – World Wide Fund For Nature

Recently, we have seen the financial sector acknowledge that climate change is a source of financial risk. Yet, financial decisions very rarely take full account of our impact on nature and reliance on the many vital benefits it provides.

That’s why WWF is one of four founding partners in an initiative aiming to enable companies and financial institutions to measure, disclose and manage risks and impacts related to nature. A group of over 60 private financial institutions, industry organizations and technical experts is now working to establish a Task Force for Nature-related Financial Disclosures. This will develop a reporting framework for companies and investors to help them redirect finance towards nature-positive activities that create resilience in the global economy and enable nature and people to flourish. This initiative has already gained support from the Peruvian, Swiss and UK governments and from the Dutch, French and UK central banks.

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