‘Our Final Warning’ offers a preview of hothouse Earth  科技资讯
时间:2019-04-30   来源:[美国] Daily Climate

That said, it’s not quite the last word. While it’s a vivid, heavily-documented account of what climate science concludes from human behaviour over the past few centuries, it doesn’t consider how that behaviour might change.

British journalist Mark Lynas evidently draws on the old maxim of physicist Richard Feynman — when you come to a conclusion, your first job is to prove you’re wrong. Lynas wrote a book in 2007 about global warming, and now he revisits it in the light of 12 years of further scientific research. He finds that his 2007 forecasts, and the science they were based on, were indeed wrong: they were far too conservative. The planet is warming faster than we thought, and climate disasters are coming much sooner.

Structurally, the book is simple and powerful: each chapter turns up the heat by just one more degree and describes the consequences if we hit that global average temperature by the year 2100. Lynas draws on the geological record as well as computer climate models, and his sources are as recent as last year. Here are some of the key points:

