NERC launches £20M 'Changing the Environment' call for whole system solutions to environmental challenges  科技资讯
时间:2020-07-29   来源:[英国] 英国自然环境研究理事会

29 July 2020

NERC invites eligible research organisations to submit proposals for large scale inter-disciplinary research and innovation funding to provide whole system solutions to major environmental challenges. This call will provide up to £20M funding in total over 5 years to support 2 research organisation awards of a maximum £10M each (at 80% FEC). Duncan Wingham, NERC Executive Chair, said:

’This new initiative from NERC is being launched as solutions to major environmental challenges will not be found without research that cuts across traditional discipline boundaries. The funding will support researchers from any discipline to stimulate the development of new communities of researchers and innovators to pool their expertise to address the most intractable environmental problems facing our society.’ 

The ‘Changing the Environment’ Programme will focus on developing solutions to critical environmental challenges through supporting and encouraging working across disciplines within successful organisations. The research and innovation programmes delivered through this funding will be expected to look across a system bringing together a wide range of disciplines to drive solutions in the selected area of environmental focus. For further details please see the full Announcement of Opportunity.

