Let nature be your wingman! Here are 6 outdoor date ideas to shake up your Valentine's Day.  科技资讯
时间:2020-02-11   作者: WWF International  来源:[国际] WWF – World Wide Fund For Nature

Valentine's Day is right around the corner, but you find yourself scrambling to plan a unique, fun and memorable date. Racking your brain for something unique to do apart from your cliche dinner and movie dates? Not to worry, we have put together 6 unique date ideas that will surely bring you and your partner closer to each other through nature!


1. Kayaking/Canoeing


© Josh Trommel / Unsplash

Rent kayaks or canoes and have a charged race with your loved one. While winning is not everything, do it for the adrenaline rush! If you prefer to row together, the new two-person kayak/canoe is also available. Besides having a good workout, kayaking and canoeing are also an environmentally friendly choice to travel. 

Bonus tip: Get yourself a beautiful transparent kayaks/canoes to view the underwater world below!


2. Eco-friendly Picnic 


© Tim Collins / Unsplash

Make your favourite home-cooked meal, grab some of your go-to snacks and head down to your local park or beach. Enjoy a romantic meal beneath the orange and red hues of the sunset and take in the fresh air of the cool breeze as the night falls. Don’t forget a picnic blanket to sit on and a bag for your rubbish at the end!

Bonus Tip: Use reusable cutlery and plates to reduce waste!


3. “I Spy with My Little Eye…”


© Steven Wright / Unsplash

Make a list of 10-15 unique items of nature to spot such as plants, insects and animals. Head outdoors to your local park or forest and turn this into an ‘I-Spy’ competition between you and your love. Take nothing but pictures and leave nothing but footprints! Happy spotting!


4. Couples Photoshoot


© Chermiti Mohamed / Unsplash

Grab your camera and hop on an Insta-worthy trail. Take in the beauty of nature and keep a look-out for gorgeous photo spots to snap an #ootd with your partner and remember this special day forever. But don’t get too caught up in taking photos to forget that the best thing about memories is making them. And remember, take nothing but pictures and leave nothing but footprints.


5. Night Biking 


© Everton Vila / Unsplash

With the boom of the bike-sharing craze, night biking has plastered itself as a popular group activity. Treat yourself to some delightful, cool breeze and work your legs under starry skies — What’s not to love when it's away from the bustling and jam-packed city streets. Don't rush to finish your cycling route; make regular stops to enjoy immersing in nature. If you don’t own a bike, renting one online is easy! 

Bonus Tip: Don't forget your safety helmets and ensure your bikes are in excellent condition with headlights and rear blinking lights.


6. Volunteer! 


© Benjamin Combs / Unsplash

Make your date even more meaningful this Valentine's Day! After all, what's more attractive that seeing your date's caring side! Search for opportunities to volunteer in your neighbourhood to give back to the environment. Besides, it's a great bonding experience with nature and your loved one to discover your mutual values to double your impact in the community. 


👉 Nature can be a great wingman, but now it also needs your help. We are losing nature and biodiversity at an alarming rate and need urgent action from world leaders to protect our planet. Click here to show your support and add your voice to set nature on a path of recovery.  

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